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Question about soil test

17 years ago

I know I've been posting a billion questions, but I'm planning for my spring planting. I kind of obsess over this stuff during winter. :)

The only soil testing I've done was one of those four dollar home kits, so this year, I want to do real soil testing. Unfortunately, Illinois Extension no longer does testing.

They recommended a local lab, but I'm inclined to go with the Missouri Extension. (I don't know if they test non residents, but if not, I can put it in a relatives name and address who lives in Missouri)

I need to test three areas, so I need to go with the lower priced places...I know there are more extensive labs online, but for three areas, the price is too much.

So my choices, and I'm wondering what people think, are the extra tests I'll get in Missouri worth the time and money I'll spend on shipping the samples. If I stay with the local lab, it's five minutes away. (The Missouri lab is a three hour drive, so cheaper/easier to mail)

Local private lab: cost: $10.50

tests: organic matter, PH, potassium, phosphorus and gives recommendations

Missouri Extension: cost: $10


Regular analysis, $10

* pHs, neutralizable acidity, organic matter, Bray-I phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, cation exchange capacity, fertilizer recommendations

* $5 per individual nutrient analyses

Neither of these seems to test for nitrogen levels. Is this important or do I just assume I have no nitrogen?

If it matters, here are the three areas I'm testing:

1. My veg. garden that was lawn. I tilled a garden in 2005.

2. A plot of crap about 30 x 15 that was dumped full of construction leftover, rocks and concrete chunks. I got all the concrete chunks out, plus the bigger rocks, but still full of gravelish rocks/small bits of concrete. (They built a garage on the land and the construction crew just dumped their junk apparently) It's probably about 6 inches higher than the rest of the yard and it's real bad soil. I've been able to get some things to grow, but others simply refuse. When I started with it, it was overgrown in weeds, mostly sheep shower and wild strawberries. I've gotten all that out of there and have some day lilies (ditch lilies) growing and dahlias did real well for some reason.

3. Side yard that grows nothing. Not even a weed. Just dirt, and I'd like to know what's wrong with that dirt so I can amend and get something growing. Grass won't grow.

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