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And he said he didn't think he got good shots...

Susan Serra
17 years ago

My DH works on a construction site on New York's Central Park West, right near Columbus Circle. The building is a super luxury residence building, and Denzel and Sting already have purchased apartments there, from what I hear, in the vicinity of 30 million smackeroos. Here's a poor man's view from the 38th floor, the top floor of the building.

And, he said he didn't think he got good shots! Select the image size to "original" underneath the first image and enjoy! As usual, there are a bunch. At the end are a few of DH's friends and a fresh faced new apprentice. DH had to move some machinery and materials out of the way to take these shots, but he knew he had to because I was expecting great shots!! Enjoy Central Park in the fall.

Here is a link that might be useful: Autumn in New York...........

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