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Reve d'Or vs. Buff Beauty

Hey y'all,

For those who have grown these roses, what do you consider the more prolific bloomer, more graceful shrub, more enjoyable scent, et cet.?

I'm looking into these as near and long off additions against walls for both a family friend and my mom here in mild Coastal Southern California. The friend has gotten a bit of the rose bug from me and my mom is quite enchanted with both after I showed her some pictures of them that I took at various gardens last year.

I know some people don't think of Buff Beauty as a climber so much a spreader, but there are definitely some growing it as a climber out there. My mom doesn't mind more of a gradually building, spreading shrub. She is a bit more inclined toward Buff Beauty anyway and it sounds like a good wall rose.

Jeri -amongst others- heaps praise on Reve d'Or though, so perhaps it's simply a much better rose for Coastal So Cal than BB. That's why I'm inclined towards RdO for the family friend. She wants lots of blooms, low maintenance, preferably not an Iceberg or pink rose, and at least some fragrance in more or a traditional climbing habit.

Thanks for your help as always. It's certainly better to plan ahead with first hand accounts than Rose Encyclopedia entries.


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