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July's Abundance - photo heavy

17 years ago

July is peak season here in our gardens and even though I know this it surprises me every year when the gardens really fill in and the lilies start blooming.

A view of the terraces looking west


I love it when this astilbe blooms with the fuchsia standard.


This urn has exceeded expectations. I love that bacopa with the fuchsia draping over it. The small coleus in the right of the arrangement was a cutting from Monique last fall.


Another container from that grouping on the patio. The Iresine in this arrangement was a cutting from Sue. It's in too much sun so the color is more pale that it should be but I'm still happy with it. That E. 'Diamond Frost' is my new favorite filler.


This is the small planting on the opposite side of the fence from the container garden. The 'Purple Emperor' is looking great and the Eupatorium 'Little Joe' is budding up. This is my second year with those lilies which I got because I saw them in Marie's garden with her Physocarpus.


Close up of the lilies, Marie, do you remember the name of this variety?


The containers on the front steps


You can't see this one in the previous photograph but it is also on the steps. I wish I knew what that lavender trailing fuchsia that is. I bought it for cheap at HD in a hanger in the spring and split it in three sections. They are all blooming like this. I want to do cuttings of this one as it's a winner.


I love this little 'Abundance' clematis next to the JM


This arrangement is filling out nicely. I'm in love with that Acalpha


My gigantic lantana 'Tropical Fruit'. This is about three feet across and still growing. I wintered this one over dormant in the basement along with the fuchsias.


A coleus standard


View of the shed garden from the house


Kathy, this begonia is unreal. (another Home Depot find) It holds its flowers for the longest time. I've not yet tried to get cuttings for you but will do so soon.


This urn used to be in the shed garden but it fell over and one of the handles broke off so I decided to plant this asparagus fern in it.


This is a close up of an arrangement in the container garden with a canna and papyrus


Containers on the hot tub deck. I've got to get that begonia into a larger pot today.


This 'Mariposa' coleus is new to me and is getting enormous. The growth is keeping up with the Colocasia 'Black Magic' in the back of the arrangement.


I just love July!


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