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dead patches in lawn

I hope someone can advise me--I have large and growing larger patches of dead grass in my sunny front lawn. Over the past 4 years I have tilled, added topsoil, seeded, aerated, added more soil, reseeded, killed the grubs, reseeded--this spring the lawn finally looked great and now this.

I'm in central Ohio (clay soil) and have planted TTTF each time. If you look at the close-up pictures posted in the thread titled "lawn refurb", that is exactly what my dead patches are like -- fine blades completely dead, either in large patches or mixed in with some green. (I don't have a camera to post my own pics, sorry) On the other side of my driveway, the strip of lawn that was most decimated by the grubs and reseeded last fall & this spring looks great. Could this be a disease, or something wrong with the soil, or a weedy grass that snuck in?(what is this POA I see mentioned?). Please recommend what I should do now--thanks. BTW, OSU no longer does soil tests.

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