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Of bindweed and Roundup

18 years ago

I've never used any synthetic pesticides in my garden, since the day we moved into this house. But I'm being driven to it, I think, by the persistent and massive bindweed problem the whole yard has.

There is no living with it. It smothers my roses completely unless I'm out there rescuing them once a week (and if I don't want to rip off whole branches' worth of rose leaves and flowers, I have to carefully unwind each bindweed tendril individually). It runs along the ground and covers my other flowerbeds and veggie patch. It appears everywhere.

I can't dig it out: as those of you familiar with this weed know, it has root systems that no doubt span several yards. You pull up a 6-foot piece, and it breaks somewhere under the ground and grows back in a flash.

I can't kill it with vinegar or smothering: it's in my flowerbeds.

So I have a bottle of Roundup and a plan, which I found on the Weeds board: install containers of a dilute solution around the garden, gather the tips if still-growing vines and submerge them in the solution,and allow the vines to slowly absorb the low-dosage poison until eventually the whole root system collapses.

But before I make up my mind to do it, I need to knwo I haven't overlooked any alternatives. I don't want to use pesticide if I don't absolutely have to. Has anyone here found an organic way of comtrolling/eliminating bindweed?

And if I *did* use the RU, can it hurt the soil, or the microherd, or birds that eat bugs out of my dirt? What repercussions might there be if I use synthetic pesticide, this once, in my organic garden?



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