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A serious decision - irreversible after 2/1

15 years ago

My driverÂs license is up for renewal on my Birthday in February. After giving the matter careful consideration, a lot of thought, discussed it with those most affected: Joann and Ron, I have decided not to renew it. I have never really liked to drive and have not driven out of town for many years, I feel itÂs time I hang it up.

When going out of town, Joann has been my driver, we generally go do the same errands, and I buy lunch, she drives.

Business in town it shall be easy, every once in a while I will hitch a ride with her to take care of serious shopping, but as she has permission to charge my stuff to my account, is authorized to write checks on my bank account and may use my credit-card, there really is no problem. I am fortunate to be able to trust her implicitly.

Right now I believe I shall keep my car, pay registration and insurance, and Joann has the use of the car and will pay gasoline and upkeep. It is an old car, but many times more serviceable than her old pick-up, which still is needed because of getting feed and hay and such.

Will I give up independence? Maybe a little, but I am also relieved of having to drive the 3 miles to town - on a major highway - putting up with eighteen-wheelers and rude travelers, who think this highway is an Interstate and barely tolerate "local yokels", who dare to slow down to turn off onto a side-street or merge from a side-street.

Wish there was public transportation, but alas, it never shall be.

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