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New Lawn in Charlotte, NC

10 years ago

I am in the process of forming my strategy for starting a lawn in the fall. I need some advice on what I'm getting right and where I'm totally off.

Step 1) Aerate. 2 passes perpindicular to each other
Step 2) Fertilize with lawn starter
Step 3) Seed with tall fescue
Step 4) Rake in 3/4 in of mushroom compost
Step 5) Water enough to keep the ground moist
Steps 6 through infinity) Add starter fertilizer once a month for 5 months and then switch to maintenance fertilizer. Kill weeds as needed.

My home was built this spring. I have clay. I have white clover, a few dandelions here and there, some crabgrass, and who knows what else. Where there is sun, there isn't much. Where there is shade, there are weeds and some grass. I am adding the compost because it was recommended and is supposed to hold moisture and has magical ingredients, missing from fertilizers. The seed I am buying is $89/50 lbs. I attached my soil report. Oh and I have read a ton but I have no idea what I'm doing.

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