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Not only is the hobby addicting. . .

15 years ago

Hi everyone, I just had to post my new super find today. . . as you all know plants can be so addicting, then you have to buy "stuff" to set the plants on to display them, well I have increased my inventory so much I had to go buy a stand to hold "more plants" Hubby isn't home yet, I'm kind of nervous. . . oh well he won't notice til I tell him. There could be a 2 ton elephant in the room and he wouldn't notice. . . anyway sorry about the view, PB won't let me edit to rotate til I upload flash, which I am unable to do for some reason. . . anyway I got it for $20.00 cuz the very top part of the finial on the top is broken off. . . I wheeled and dealed and got it for a song. It is my laundry room, that's why it looks so cramped,that's the only room with the best light (east and a sky light) for all of the plants. I am getting more hoya cuttings from a member here so I had to get something to hold everything.


Comments (21)

  • birdsnblooms
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Debi, very nice, but you need a bigger dh got tired of looking at little tables everywhere so for Christmas he got me a wide shelf. It's nice, but I'm not thrilled with the back design.
    The shelf is in front of south and west windows. The other side which faces west and north have two smaller shelves and a glass, lower table that used to be my sister's cockatail goes.



    Fern Window, kitchen


    Back Plant room






    There's a lot more, but would have to browse though 59
    Debi, soon your house will be packed at the rate you're

    You had me LOL'ing about a 2 ton elephant, and your hubby not noticing..lolol..
    I tell mine, I had this plant a long time, don't you remember.....etc etc..Toni

  • maidinmontana
    Original Author
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Here's a few of mine since you're showing off I will too. I don't have near as many as you do, but I didn't have any when I moved in here 3 years ago. My walls and carpet arent really that maroon color, they are brick red, bad color in the pics.

    Heres my creeping Charlie


    My pothos

    Asparagus Fern look how small the charlie is on the table next to it.




    Peace Lily from my grammas funneral 3 years ago


    Corn plant


    A few Hoyas just started them a year ago or so.





    Thats a few, we just got invited out to dinner so I gotta run, Debi

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  • birdsnblooms
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Debi, your plants are doing great. Very healthy. Even your Asparagus fern looks nice and green.
    Is the last plant a Hoya? Leaves look velvety..Are they? If so, do you know its type?

    You and I have similar plants. Here's a new Asparagus fern...the reason I bought it is because it's variegated. lol



    Baby Scheff bought around Halloween or soon after.


    Scheff 1.5 yrs later. Above



    Hoya, pic taken day it followed us


    Large leaf Hoya..not enough light, lost speckles


    Hubby holding Hindu Rope Stems..

  • quinnfyre
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    About the pics of your setup, two words, Toni... holy moly! You are lucky that your hubby is supportive, even getting you shelves and modeling Hoya for you, ha. I am almost jealous, but I know a collection of that size would overwhelm me. I'm fine admitting my limits. Still, that's an impressive collection. I really like that little green plaid looking pot, I've never seen one like that before. It's the little one hiding in the fern window.

    Where are your AVs, Toni? I can't find them.

  • frazzledgessie
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you both for the great photos. I especially love the hoyas and to think that those are only one year old cuttings, maidinmontana!
    On a side note I have to thank everyone here that has posted their collections. I show them to my hubby when he complains about my 27 plants. It always works to silence the grumbling.

  • maidinmontana
    Original Author
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    G'mornin Toni, The hoya in question is my tsangii. I got her from the home depot. They Wayetti, (1st hoya pic) I got a cutting from the mamma plant that was @ Walmart. They wanted $20.00 for it and I wasn't sure if I could grow them so I got a cutting and stuck it in my bottle of water, took it home and stuck it in the same pot as my small TG Cactus. Not knowing a thing about them I just winged it. A few months later I found this forum and started asking ?'s. Then I was hooked. I bought the tsangii and the collections has grown, literally ever since. I just bought an incurvula, those are the only full grown hoyas I have bought, the others are all from cuttings. Just a few weeks ago I potted them all up, they were still in their starter pots and were tipping over from being top heavy. Hopefully I won't have to move them again and I will get some flowers. I like the foliage too so flowers are just a bonus.

    I see you have a verigated peace lily. I nursed my sons back to health and just gave it back to him a few days ago. It was pretty sick when I got it, it was beautiful and flowering when I gave it back to him.

    Is the hoya you labled large leaf a carnosa? Like mine above the hindu rope? Since I've been givin mine VF-11 they have turned a very dark green and the flecks really stand out. I also moved them to a eastern exposure place. But I love that vf-11.

    In the pic of the back plant room, there is a plant with really long loeaves (right behind the spray bottle) what is that? My friend has one and it flowers so nice, I got a pup from it, and it's growing, slow, but it is growin. Just wonderin what it is, maybe I can find a bigger one of it.

    Happy Easter, I gotta go get dinner going.

  • puglvr1
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Beautiful plants MIM and Toni!!
    Both your plants looks great and what an assortment...Thanks for the great pictures!

    Toni, are you sure that's a house and not a nursery(greenhouse)? LOL...You have a TON of plants!! OMG, I've never seen so many... You will need to add another room for all the ones your ordered!!

    Enjoy them, I know you do!! What a fun Addiction though...

  • birdsnblooms
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Quinnfyre..Most plants you see weren't bought the last year..Those shown are several to even 20-yrs-old.
    95% of my plants were bought as babies. I normally do not buy mature fact, the only large plants purchased large, more than 10", are citrus and one hibiscus.
    When Hubby and I met, I had 75 or so plants, so he knew what he was getting into before rings were placed on
    No need to be envious..Keeping plants going is a LOT of work. I've been repotting, pruning, fertilizing, taking plants to the sink, cleaning plant areas and pots. Not to mention daily misting and filling humidity trays when water evaporates.
    So hubby doesn't (ususally) get upset because he knows how important plants are to me. Heck, he has a few at the office..When they need work, he brings them home assuming I'm a miracle He brought home a two-leaf Hibiscus. I worked on it, gave it a dose of Superthrive and Hib fertilizer after adding fresh soil. It's now back at his office, flowering. A month or so he brought home a Syngonium. It was so bald, if it hadn't been for one lone leaf, I wouldnt have been able to ID it. lol..
    One last thing. I look for deals. Many plants you see were bought at Jewel, (grocery store) for 1.00-1.50..Except for a few new plants, I never spend more than 5-6.00. I think six dollars is
    The plaid pot was on sale at Home Depot, 2 for 1.00. There were two with an angel, the other plaid, sold around Christmas of 1999. I bought a few of each. Thank you.
    Know the problem? Everytime you say, okay, that's enough, you find or hear about another plant. Especially on Ebay. There are a couple sellers who have the most beautiful plants. I bought one Dracanea, never before seen. I HAD to have it. It was an auction. The cost was more than I pay for plants, but I fell in love..he has another Dracaena, Gorgeous, but the last aution sold for 67.00..No way would I pay even half that price for one plant. Heck, a third the

    You may not think it's nice, but it was love at first sight. lol


    Frazzle, showing hubby others' plants will keep him silent. Wonder what's going through his brain. lol. Does he fear you coming to GW? lol

    Debi, you're SOOO lucky you can root Hoyas..I cannot. I've tried a few times, they rotted. I give up. lol
    So Hoya cuttings are out. Your cutting is doing fantastic.
    My Domino Peace Lily needs major work. I pretty much ignore it. It's been in the same pot over 7 new soil and hardly ever fertilized..I have a Cere Peace Lily, too, but it's not much..
    This guy was bought about 5 yrs ago, at Jewel, for 1.00. Came in a 4" pot.


    Debi, I once priced's expensive! Wow. So, I have to stick to fert and ST. Do you find bargain prices. I've heard nothing but raves on the VF stuff..
    If you're talking about the plant in a black, plastic growing pot with wide blake-like foliage, it's Clivia/Kafir Lily. That plant was started from seed in 1982. Back when Clivia seeds were reasonably priced. Got them from Parks Seed, 5 for, I think 7.00. Now they want 19,99 for one seed, and they threw in a second in case the first doesn't germinate.
    A friend gave me a Clivia pup that will one day sprout yellow flowers, and I've got another w/variegated leaves..Both are small, 5-8 leaves..Debi, Clivia is a very slow-growing plant. Yes, its flowers are beautiful. Buds are seen anytime between late Feb through July. I noticed, if the plant is repotted the year before, at least with mine, it doesn't bloom the next yr.
    I've allowed its flowers to turn into seed and gave them to friends, but by allowing blooms to seed, it reduces amount of flower growth the following year, so now after flowers fade, I remove flower stems.
    How did your Easter dinner turn out? What did you make?

    Quinn, the last AV pic I took was in March. It was the first to flower..I don't know what happened, but my AV's used to flower all winter..Could it be new windows?
    This is the last AV pic I took..It's a Purple Fantasy.


    Purple Fantasy, (no name) was bought locally back in the 1990's. Local AV's do not have names. Just African Violet. lol. Since I'm unfamilar with names, unlike you, lol, maybe you can ID this plant..???

    Pug, hubby asks the same question..House or nursery? lol But, the LR, his space, is opened, other than plants on window plants block his TV. lol. Sam does, his big head is usually obstructing the rays that change tv channels. lol.

    Not the best picture, but Clivia is ordinary orange.


    Debi, Clivias are pot busters..They dislike being repotted, but when roots take over, look out..My Clivia has busted two plastic pots. lol. Their roots are thicker/stronger than Spider plant roots. It needs a bigger pot, but I want to wait after flowering. I can literally see its roots expanding the 12" containers. lol.
    I would like to buy a Clivia with small leaves, not the type that hang, but they're costly, especially those sold in China. Sheesh! Some prices are in the Gonna buy one? hugs to all, and Debi, luv your plants. Toni

  • bunnygurl
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    WOW! Beautiful plants Debi and Toni. I'm with frazzledgessie about showing the hubby all these pics. Makes my 60-some-odd plants seem like nothing. Especially 'cause 98% of them are in either 2in. or 4in. pots and crammed onto 2 shelving units on one side of the living room. The shelves look so full, but somehow, to his amazement, I still somehow find room for new additions. I unintentionally end up buying at least one plant every month...and I can still find room if I really tried...but I probably shouldn't. Not too good to have so many plants crammed so tight together...well, there is space between for circulation...but that's pretty much it.

    That is until we move to our new, BIGGER, place at the end of the month! *Evil grin*
    Oh the possibilities!

  • birdsnblooms
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bunnygurl, you're right, cramping plants together isn't healty for plants, especially types that don't like being touched. African Violets need space otherwise their leaves crack or discolor. And plants need room to grow, too.

    Good for you, finding a larger you have one picked already? Aside from checking walls, faucets, walls, etc, make sure there are windows. Big, roomy windows that face all 4 your hubby you won't live in a home w/o sunshine. If possible, pick a room and dedicate to plants..oh toss in some furniture if you must, but if your new place has a sunny room, call it your plant

  • quinnfyre
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh, I know you've had a lot of your plants for a long time, Toni (I think you'd even mentioned some college ones?) but it's one thing to know that, and another altogether to see it : ) Upon seeing it, the reality of it hits home. I actually have excuses for why I shouldn't buy plants, which probably helps me out sometimes. Not always, but sometimes.

    I do like that Dracaena, what is it? You might have mentioned it at some point, it looks familiar, but I don't remember.

    NOID AVs can only be NOID AVs, but you can find ones that it looks like and call it Lookalike 'AV X'. That way, if you want another that looks like it, you have a candidate right there. It looks familiar, but I can't place it right now... I keep thinking Rainbow's Quiet Riot or Funambule, but I don't think the fantasy specks are pink on those two, but white... I'm technically supposed to be on my way to dinner right now, but being tardy... whoops.

  • maidinmontana
    Original Author
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Toni... Yep thats the plant I was talkin about. Even the same colored flowers. I did get a pup from the mother, not knowing if it would ever root... but I stuck it in a small pot and it has put up 2 new blades. I was curious as to what was going on in the pot so just yesterday I pulled it out to examine it. You aren't a kiddin it's a "pot buster" My Gosh, the roots on this little guy are huge already. I ammended the soil some before sticking it back in the pot. Funny you mentioned the seeds, last week when I was cleaning the ladies house I got the cutting from, I noticed a seed pod that had been on the plant for quite some time. A perfectly round, still fleshy green, I picked it off. Now it's in a small pot as well, hope to see if the seeds take. I didn't wait until they were dried so they probably won't do anything. But I'm gonna grab some more and wait for them to dry before I plant them.

    My EC is still hangin in there. I'm thinkin it may just be goin thru a little shock due to environment change. I think there are some disadvantages to buying from a greenhouse/nursery. Their conditions are so hard to duplicate. I realize every plant comes from one at some point, but I think the ones that they sell right from their store are more spoiled than the ones that come from the box stores. Just my opinion.

    VF-11... So far I have seen some huge improvements in most all of my plants. There is only one place to get it here, which is direct from the rep. She lives on the other side of the state so I had to pay shipping as well as the cost of the product. I shared it with my sister so it wasn't as bad as if I had to buy it all myself. When it comes to my plants tho, I don't fret $$$'s too much. If it helps them and makes them thrive, then it makes me feel good. My way of thinkin is "I'd rather have no plants than ugly ones" so I do whatever it takes to make them purddy. LOL. I did some reading on here the other day tho, and I'm a little confused... they mentioned that VF-11 isn't a fert, it's a conditioner. So, now I'm wonderin if I should alternate between fert and VF-11. Shees, this hobby was a lot easier before I knew so much. LOL. But it's fun to learn and try new things. Especially when you see nice results.

    You are quite the bargin hunter, Toni. I have a corn plant I got from a grocery store a few years ago. It was pathetic lookin, but it was only $2.00 so I took a chance and brought it home. It took me awhile to figure it out, but now it's twice the size it was and doing well. It's one that has a definite dormant period, I didn't know that at the time I bought it and it lost a few leaves due to over watering it when it wasn't growing. It's growing now, just coming out of dormancy, and it will continue to do so until fall, and it will give me 4-6 more leaves, which will make it about 2-3 ft taller by the time it's done for the season. My other plants slow down some in the winter but this one stops!

    Thanks again for all the nice pics, and advise, I always look forward to your posts/comments.

    PS I was right, hubby didn't notice the new shelf I bought... I waited for a few days just to see how long it would take... I had to show it to him! He didn't believe me when I told him I bought it two days before... when I painted my dining room wall dark red, I didn't tell him. I just said "do you notice anything different"? He looked all around the house knowing he'd better come up with something, he thought maybe I had rearranged the furniture or something, I had to point it out to him, then he said "what color did it used to be"? LOL

  • bunnygurl
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have windows facing every direction! I'm so excited! And in our new place, we have an extra room...can anyone say plant room!? The window faces west so I'm pretty excited about it, and if light's not enough in winter or something, I always have my lights that I used when stuck in a windowless basement.

    The bedroom's got the south window, so it'll definitely be a in there. We don't have much furniture to begin with because of the small place we're in now, but the just means that there's conveniently more room for plants. He already knows that there must be sunlight as I get quite crabby if I don't see sunlight for a little while. It's like I was a plant in a past life, and must have sunshine.

  • User
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Maid,

    Pls. read the literature for VF-11, it suggests being used alone w/out fertilizer.

    But I don't use it at every watering (I mostly did during the warmer months), so I will be fertilizing just this Spring & then back to VF-11 alone.

  • meyermike_1micha
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Thankyou so much for sharing!!!! Unbeleivably beautiful!!!

    We know who to ask for advice!!


  • tishfromwis
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Montana, in your very first picture (sideways) what is the name of the Hoya on the top shelf on the right and the one directly below it? I love them!!! I just ordered and received a variegated Hindu Rope and a variegated Kerrii. I would like one of each of those two I pointed out next time I get a couple, so please let me know their names. I can't help it, you guys made me a Hoya junkie :)



  • maidinmontana
    Original Author
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Tish ~

    The Hoya on the top shelf on the right is a Wayettii. There isn't a Hoya directly below it.

    The second shelf has (left to right) Hoya Tsangii, (in the back, the tallest one), then in front of that is Hoya Carnosa (not sure what kind, it was a cutting) then next to that is a rhipsalis drunkards dream aka bottle neck cactus, aka pencil cactus. Then tucked in behind that, barely visible, is a Hoya Compacta (hindu Rope).

    Hope this helps,

  • tishfromwis
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks Montana!!! I've already put the 'Wayetti' Hoya on my list. Actually, it is the only thing on my list thus far. So the other one is a cactus. Well, I refuse to be roped into cactus addiction too, but it sure is cool looking!!! Thank you soooooooo much for getting back to me. Sometimes the thread Peter's out and an important question :) like mine is never answered, teeheehee...

  • maidinmontana
    Original Author
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Tish, don't be afraid of the "cactus" It is a very easy plant to grow, I started that one from a very tiny cutting a little over a year ago. Just stuck em in the soil and this is what I got. I have taken cuttings from it to share a few times too. It's a tropical cactus, not a desert type. It likes what Hoyas like. Slighly dry between waterings. And it gets the sweetest yellow flowers on it.

    If you look down on the post, I posted a pic (close up) of Wayetii. She started from a cutting,I found on the floor @Walmart. A short stem and 2 leaves. three years later, that's her. Very easy to grow. All of my Hoyas are from cuttings, except two. I never knew anything about them, didn't even know if I could grow them, none have bloomed yet, but they probably won't until they get more mature.

    Happy growing, and beware of the Hoyas bug. . . it's addicting!

  • tishfromwis
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Montana,

    Not afraid of the catus, afraid of another addiction. The Hoyas already got me :) You know, I hope I'm not getting two of your Hoyas mixed up. In the big pictures of your Hoyas, is it the very first Hoya or the very last one that is the 'Wayetti? It is the very first one I love so much. Please confirm that for me, 'kay?

    You know, I just might have to get me a pencil cactus. Yep, just might...


  • maidinmontana
    Original Author
    15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Tish

    The very 1st hoya (in the hoya pics) is a Wayetii, the very last one and the one directly under the Phals Orchid is a Tsangii(DS-70). It is to the left of the Cornosa (the Cornosa is the one in the pot that is wet 1/2 way up). If you want a cutting of the Wayetii, let me know. I just repotted it and it is starting to show signs of new growth. It's very easy to root from a cutting. Like I said I found a cutting on the floor @ Walmart, brought it home and stuck it in some soil with a Thanksgiving Cactus (2 years ago) AND that was before I knew a darn thing about Hoyas. I'd be happy to share. The cutting won't be huge but I won't charge you for postage if you want some. (Due to the size) Maybe we can swap something. . . LMK.