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I am a beginner gardener. I need some advice, please!

14 years ago

I decided to try container gardening. I am having a few problems with some of my plants.

I live in Arkansas, so I chose the Arkansas Traveler tomato as a heat resistant plant. It seemed to be doing fine until the last couple of days - now the bottom leaves are turning yellow!

I also have an herb garden. I have chives, basil and parsley that I started from seed. They do fine in their little peat greenhouse but as soon as I transplant them to a larger container, they wilt and die.

I also have a Serrano pepper plant. The stems at the top of the plant are turning black on top. Do you think it is getting too much sun? The directions say full sun but it has already been in the mid-90s here.

The only plant that is doing really well is my Roma tomato - so far six tomatoes on my little plant and lots more blossoms developing!

Thanks for any advice anyone has to offer. I don't know anything besides what I've read on the internet, but gardening seems like such a rewarding hobby! I can't wait to have some fresh tomatoes!

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