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Hi! I'm new to gardening and Gardenweb. Some advice please?

18 years ago

Hello :)

I'm new all around pretty much. I have a huge yard (3 lots in a suburban neighborhood). I have dreams of it being a serene and tranquil escape from the run down-ness surrounding us (I live in an older but quiet neighborhood). I have no idea where to start though. I want to landscape and have flowers in the front yard. It's the backyard that I want to be my escape though. I don't really want any annuals because I've got the idea that if I stagger my perrenials correctly, I will have blooms all year long.

Money is also a huge huge problem. My budget is maybe $20-$30 weekly. I'm not sure where to start or what to do. I suppose I should know.. I'm a "Certified Nursery Consultant" at Home Depot... But honestly, I'm still learning and there is really noone there to teach me but the customers. Those poor plants...

I want some old fashioned flowers. I'm not too much into tropicals. I was thinking roses, hydrangeas, magnolias.. things that are fragrant and soft looking.

I ramble, because I'm not sure exactly what I want or what would be a good, inexpensive starting place. Please help?

Here is a list of what I DO have (I know I said I disliked tropicals but... *shrugs*)



Sansivieria trifasciata (it might die. It had made several babies and outgrew it's pot. I cut the roots to dislodge the babies because they had all grown from a central root and repotted them)


Geranium (it doesn't look like your typical geranium. The leaves are very thick, the stems are woody, and the flowers are tiny tiny.. clusters just a little bit bigger than lantana flowers)

Tulip bulbs (forgot to plant them)

Basket with Basil and Oregano that won't die

Sago Palm (I pulled it out of a friends trash. She bought it and it sat in her trunk for a month. The crown is not soft. It is still really hard. I gave it some water and some plant spikes and sat it outside for some sun. Maybe it will live)

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