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Overwintering evergreen perennials in containers

15 years ago

Hi all, this is my first posting, although I've been gleaning useful info from Gardenweb for years.

I have a space in the entrance to my basement (between two doors) which is ideal for overwintering perennials that, for various reasons, are in containers rather than planted in the ground outside. I can overwinter hostas, astilbes, Iris germanica, phlox, various deciduous shrubs etc with zero losses. The temperature remains within a degree or two of 32F/0C all winter, but it is totally dark much of the time. The humidity is high because of so many containers in a small place.

My question is: can I also use this space for perennials which retain some or all of their foliage over winter? I'm thinking of plants like heuchera, vinca minor, carex, hedera, ajuga, etc. In other words, do such plants go sufficiently dormant at the freezing point that they are no longer trying to photosynthesize even though they still have leaves with which to do so?

Thank you to anyone who can answer this question. Several hours of Googling have failed to turn up anything helpful.


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