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The Dark Garden: PWT to me

14 years ago


I was repotting some of the Spider plant cups into Nanny Pods when I thought what I was doing could answer some questions. Its very often posted here that water has three ways to move thru medium (potting mix). I say theres 7. And number five on that list is the material the container is made from. On the Photobucket site under ChristianWarlock there you can find pictures of the Nanny Pod design collecting water just sitting in sunlight. That means PWT is no longer a condition of medium but a zone with in the container. A zone that can allow roots to change over to another type. Now there are three major types of roots. Air, water, medium. Major types I said. See air roots cant grow in water, water roots cant grow in medium nor can medium roots grow in air. But using a zone of PWT you can transition roots over to the types in aeroponics creating a growth chamber with no energy input for water movement -but sun light. Whats a growth chamber? Its that space between the top bottle and the lower water level. In that 2 to 6 inch space are roots that act like octane added to gas. See you had to grow the upper roots to get the lower roots that can give you these roots. Which if we keep to the engine metaphor the reason we can get away with using so little water everyday is not because we water to pump up the plant but to cool down the engine. What are we talking about when we say roots. One type of structure invading another. Thing for plants we make it easy for them. The cycle of wet to dry creates air ways following the roots till they reach the outside where it makes air ways. Number five on my list: materials draws the moisture to it which evaporates rises along with air to collect on the rim fall and back into the mix as aerated water to follow the roots right back down thru the mix over and over. Taking any nutrients right along side. So we have an engine, plastic that attracts moisture, heat which causes it to rise water to it surface. We have mix that allows structures with airways to be created thru wet and dry cycles, the engine block. The carburetors, three little holes spaced evenly around the lower lapel of the top bottle. They suck in air increasing the flow of air around the block. Those holes arent there for drainage. As I also said we have a fuel injector called a growth chamber. Now what is it that we need to make all this work....a plant.

Now are you sitting comfortably, then let me take your imagination on a spin. Chicago, empty parking lots and warehousess of concrete and glass recycled as greenhouses growing bio-fuel in the form of a little nut. Asphalt covered lots growing fields of corn and vegetables of all kinds without lifting a shovel. No tractors needed. Idle flat bed trains become traveling farms that grow then deliver the goods to be picked. Every thing is commonly manufactured, easily produced and get secondary use of recycled containers used in our culture.


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