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The Dark Garden: Replys

15 years ago

How come produce, store bought greens have such a heavy stalk? When I buy theirs, use the greens and then plant the bulb. The stalks look like my seedlings. How do they do that???

Heres an example of a plant "coughing" . But let me define what I mean by coughing. A stem, branch and leaf are the way a plant "breathes". At the base of the plant is another soil base air breathing root system. Much like us where we have a lung system that interacts with a blood system. Everybody understand? Now just like for us if we have a lung collapse weÂd start coughing so too for a plant if half of itÂs breathing system suddenly disappeared.. Unlucky for us but lucky for most plants they can produce alternate breathing systems. But hereÂs where the imbalance causes the plant to start using up other parts of itself to make for the parts that are missing. But the "pruning" growth can give us a plant with an even stronger breathing system thru new branching which starts out small.

We eat LOTS of scallions, and I never knew that you could plant the "bottoms". I always just threw them into the compost pile. But now I would like to try my hand at growing some. My question is, does the container have to be around 16 oz, or would like yogurt containers work? My family goes through lots of yogurt, and I have always just recycled the empty containers. But if these would be sufficient to try the scallions in, that would be great.

You know I canÂt answer that question because I never tried it that way. See when you start changing the size of the medium containers you run into my "toxicity level of the three main root types" problem and start into the need for hydroponics when you go that small..

Now this was in reference to growing in an Earth-tainer and a 16 oz cup. The Earth-tainer weighs what? 70 lbs? A 16 oz cup weighs 1 lb of medium. Actually itÂs more like 8 ounces but weÂll go with that. So you have 16 growing in an Earth-tainer while I have 70 growing in little cups. And thatÂs what REALLY matters. Production vs material used. But such comparisons donÂt really matter. Their really just different ways of doing the same thing.

Now too with that said I owe an apology to all because I said my Onions were 19" tall after 4 weeks. Actually their only 16" tall.

The explanation of the difference between organic and inorganic is not just in the molecule but in the valence of the molecule. The electron placement in the shell. With organic the molecule fits in and stays while the inorganic slips in and out. Hence the need to stuff a plant with and over dose of oil based inorganic fertilizer N-P-K in order to assure that some will be able to be used. Force feeding and all the attendant pollution that goes with it. ThatÂs why you donÂt see lush growth along farm polluted rivers. But an increase in algae blooms.

Now tapla let me turn my attention to you. What ever work I"ve seen of yours has inspired me. Really. There few mortal men or women that IÂve said that to. YouÂre an Artist. But your not the only one. If I lived near you IÂd be at your house everyday just to talk. Your "Over your head" comment was beneath you. But this is the internet and you post your ideas out here and they might just get sniped off. So are we sitting comfortably? letÂs begin.


You said that thereÂs three ways that water move thru medium. Sorry...I have 7 ways. Yes 3 of those are ones you mentioned but what about Sunlight. Sunlight (4) makes the other 3 you may not know about possible. Next time you take the grandchildren out for soft ice cream look at the machine making it. ThatÂs 5. The material the container is made from is 6 and the root system itself is 7 and not because itÂs sucking up water but the action of the roots thru the medium.

(4) Energy

(5) Introduction of air into the system

(6) Static electric

(7) Aeroponics

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