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suitability & sourcing 5:1:1 components in the UK

I'm filling 7 x 60x30x95cm containers on a first floor terrace. I want a soil that is as cheap as possible (whilst best quality!), long lasting and light. Does the 5:1:1 mix fit the bill?
I'm finding it quite hard to source the ingredients for the 5:1:1 in the UK. Pine bark fines only seem to be available if you are a registered horticulturalist. Everyone complains about the quality of perlite available, etc etc. So I would be grateful is anyone could recommend ideally a one-stop UK supplier for these ingredients.
Which? consumer review site has Chempak Yearlong SRL as its best buys - anyone recommend this or alternatives?
FInally, and proving just how rookie I am, does anyone know how long I can expect Al's mix to last? After that period are you looking at removing all the plants, disposing of the soil and starting over? Gonna be messy...!

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