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Alternatives to Spagnum Peat Moss for Water Retention?

10 years ago

Hi Gardensters!

I am growing some bonsai and succulents (Ficus Palmeri, Pachypodiums, Adenium, Euphorbias, etc...) in containers. I have used a soilless mix with pine/fir bark and perlite/pumice. For water retention in the mix, I use Spagnum Peat. However, the problem with the peat is that it quickly becomes very dense. Also, it has a tendency to form channels and dry pockets when I water. If I lived in a more humid climate, I would prefer to use straight bark and pumice or perlite.

But it's very hot and dry here in the summertime, and on a summer afternoon, it would dry out a straight bark/grit mix in like a couple of hours. So I need some retention, but I just really dont like spagnum peat anymore. Is there such a thing as a large-particle-size water retention soil component??? Or any other type of water retention component suggestions? Tapla, you out there?! Haha

Thanks for any responses! Much appreciated.

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