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Is your extended family racially/ethnically diverse?

28 days ago
last modified: 28 days ago

This question is not intended to solicit personal information from anyone. Not directly, indirectly, or in any way, shape or form. I ask that no personal information be included or alluded to by anyone choosing to respond. Whether your ancestry is Inuit or other indigenous type, or Hmong, or whatever, it doesn't matter.

I'll start. For me, the answer is no. Among the relationships of members of my extended family are friends and close associates of many types and origins because that's what's present in the communities and workplaces where we are. As far as I know, without exception, we are all blind to superficial differences in people. That includes differences of religion, not surprising as religion does not play a part in any of our lives. We lead secular existences. That being said, I think many of us do not enjoy relationships with people who have extreme or lifestyle-dominating religious views. Everything in moderation.

Family events, like weddings, always include people of all sorts. I like that, I think it shows we have modern values.

My nuclear family is only a part of the whole but that's certainly what we taught our kids. Whether person to person differences are racial, ethnic, differences of national origin, or whatever, I'm proud to belong to a family whose members all believe (to use the cliche) it's what's inside a person that matters, not what's outside.

But for whatever reason, so far relationship and marriage choices of family members have not extended to include people of differing backgrounds.

How about you?

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