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Floof! Essentials!

8 days ago
last modified: 8 days ago

I went to the grocery store on my way to work today, just to get a few things to cook over the next few days at home. Just sort of generic things I can make whatever out of. Various meats that I can split up and vacuum seal to freeze if I do not use it, some onions and potatoes, cheese of course. Some random veggies. No specific recipes in mind.

Well, now I am kicking myself. I forgot butter.

I have one stick of butter left in my fridge, and none in my freezer. One stick.

Now, it's not like a use a stick of butter for every meal, or even butter at all for every meal, but butter is something I do NOT like to run out of. And I do not like to be down to such a small amount. I consider it an essential. Eggs too, even though we do not eat eggs everyday. I used to grab butter every single shopping trip, but I purposefully stopped doing that, as I would have a ton and it was pointless. The worst part is I reminded myself mentally before i left my house this afternoon to get butter. Most important. Butter. Do not know why I forgot. I passed the butter several times. Ugh.

Turns out I need to go back to the store tomorrow anyway. We are running low, I am told, on puppy pads and trash bags. So I suppose its another shopping trip when I return to work tommorow. So I will grab by beloved butter then. Unless I forget.

So, for me, "essentials" that I do NOT like to run low on and HATE running out of : Butter, Eggs, Paper Towels, onions, chicken broth and cheese. All cheeses. I cook with and eat a lot of cheese. Also, garlic and onion powder.

What are yours?

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