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Renovation of Kitchen - Questions Regarding Backsplash and Couters

8 months ago

My kitchen (generally) was originally renovated in 2003. Since then, I decided to at least have the cabinets painted (misty blue) because they are still in good shape and I am fine with the layout.

Here's what I would like to do and am seeking some advice on product / material/ color schemes, etc.

1. The cabinets are a very light blue (sherwin williams - misty).

2. The current backsplash complements the cabinets very well (with threads of blue, grey, creme color, and white).

3. I want to replace the counter tops and the backsplash.

4. The 1st image is something I am considering as I like the way the stones reflect the contrast: grey-blue-white.

5. The last (4) images reflect the current kitchen.

6. I am looking for suggestions on the countertop material to use. I do not want dark colors because the kitchen is very small (in a condo). I used a really nice quality porcelain in my 2 bathrooms when I renovated in 2017 and it has a beautiful quality...similar to matte marble (on the floor) and polished marble (on the walls).

7. Would a really top-quality porcelain work in this kitchen's countertops with a subway (range of colors) as the backsplash?

8. The lighting is bad for the actual colors of the cabinets. I have uploaded the actual color card for the kitchen cabinets.

9. All help would be much appreciated.

the "sherwin williams" misty color.

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