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Anyone have a hose spigot in their garage?

10 months ago

I'm going to have to call the plumber to replace an outside spigot and add another on the other side of the house, considering having him put one in the attached garage, too. Purpose would be to quicky and easily hose down the garage floor. Otherwise, I have to drag the hose from an inconveniently located outside spigot or run a hose from the mudroom sink faucet in the house.

Is this a goofball idea, or do people do actually do this?

(Side rant: Why do homes not typically have spigots on all four sides of the house!?! When I moved in, I had one --- ONE -- spigot for a 2000+ sq ft house. I got another one put in the front but really could use on each side. Why don't they just do this when they build the d*mn house!!!)

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