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What Would You Do With This General Contractor?

last year

We are building a custom home and we have a contract, spec sheet, and a total cost was given to us on what the home would cost. Nothing in the contract says that it is a cost plus contract in those words but it does say in the contract that if material prices go up or we make a change we are to pay the builder cost + 20%. So I am going to assume that 85% into this build that the project has been treated like cost plus. Everytime a sub comes in we get a bill for additional costs, inflation, etc.

Our builder has not providing any receipts. He only gives us invoices that has one single line item and a dollar amount. An example is: paint upgrade- $11000 . There is no breakdown separating materials from labor and profit margin.

We have done some upgrades. For instance, our builder asks us if we would like to upgrade the porch ceilings to pine tongue and groove. We asked him how much. He told us it would be about 4500.00 more. So we said yes. However, he came back and sent us an invoice for almost 11k for the porch ceiling. Every single upgrade has gone this way. He makes a suggestion, we ask how much, we get a verbal estimate, he does the work or hires subs for the work, then he turns around and charges us $$$$ more for that upgrade. If we had been given something in writing and understood the true cost of those upgrades, we would have passed on them.

We want and expect our builder to make a profit but at this point we have 22 NEW INVOICES totally over 200k at the END OF THE BUILD and we have no idea if and how much he has padded the numbers! We have to pay this out of pocket. We have already paid over 130k out of our own pocket above and beyond the construction loan our bank gave us based on his contract estimate. We need 200k more so we now have to go back to the bank and ask for a modification. Our deep worry is that we need these funds to completely cover the rest of the build. How do we prevent the builder from taking draws for the things and then coming back to us after the work is done and saying, well it actually cost XXX instead of what I estimated and now you owe me $$$ above what I quoted. This is what has been happening all along. We asked him to make certain his estimates were accurate since we are asking the bank for more money. And we asked him, what if we use some of our own money and dont use all of the 200k, what happens to the left overs? The kicker is this: we have asked this before multiple times and he told us that if we are coming out of pocket during the build then at the end we will get money back to buy furniture or just have a small loan payment. But a couple of weeks ago he suddenly says, "Well, any left over is my profit. I don't get paid until the last draw." If we continue to use our savings instead of loan funds, how do we know he wont just take ALL of the leftover money as claim it as his profit. He totally flipped on us.

And this is why he should have been giving us accurate estimates and receipts all along so that we understand where the money has been going. For those of you who are contractors, I am not interested in justifications you might chime in on here. I already understand and accept that the GC needs to be paid for his services. We do not expect him to work for free. If this was a fixed contract with no money coming out of our pocket, I wouldn;t expect receipts. But this is not that. This is a cost plus contract. If something costs more like shingles, grading, lumber, he has been making us pay him for inflation. For everything all along. Isn't is proper business practice that he provide some sort of proof to back up his claim? If you hired someone to build your home and that person told you it would cost 500k, you get a loan based on his price, and then that GC begins to invoice you for all sorts of price hikes, inflation, would you not want to see why? How those numbers came to be what they are? I am going to assume that GC's have to provide receipts to do their taxes, so he should be organized enough to provide us with receipts. You see, this isnt some measley 10k over. We are well over 100k out of our own freaking pockets here. We are seeing a lawyer today.

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