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Eat Fish, Not Go Broke?

John Liu
last year

Sorry for the hyperbolic subject line, but as you know food prices have risen just a teeny tad . . . and some of my favorite fish is particularly dear. Just when SWMBO and I are trying to eat more seafood, too.

So I thought I’d see what affordable-priced fish you like, and what are your favorite ways of cooking it.

I’ll start. One of my favorite fish is mackerel. Fresh whole mackerel is not super cheap, but it ain’t halibut either. I don’t have a problem with whole flash-frozen mackerel either.

So, fillet two or three mackerel, admiring how sleek they are, almost like miniature tuna. Rinse the fillets well, then soak them in salted water for at least half an hour. This removes the “fishiness” taste that some don’t like. Heat a small saucepan of water - like a quart or so, big enough for the fillets, not much larger - dissolve plenty of red or white miso, bring to a full boil. Turn off the heat, slide the fillets into the liquid, and go away. As the liquid transfers it s heat to the mackerel, the liquid will cool, and the mackerel won’t get overcooked. Remove fish, reheat the liquid and add whatever you like in have in miso soup (cubed tofu, etc), and serve your quick-and-easy soup-and-fish snack.

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