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Plant sale in Lincolnshire IL, Sat June 4, 9 am to 1 pm (Chicago)

The Lincolnshire Garden Club will hold its annual plant sale at the Ascension of Our Lord Greek Orthodox Church located at 1207 Riverwoods Road in Lincolnshire. The church is north of Half Day Road (Route 22) and South of Everett Road on the east side of the street. (Lincolnshire is a north suburb of Chicago, located west of Milwaukee Avenue and on both sides of Route 22.)

The event features plants from members’ gardens; native plants; tomato plants and herbs; unusual, handmade garden art; pollinator information; and a bake sale.

New this year: an expanded selection of rare, hard to find NATIVE PLANTS, including the most valuable plants to attract pollinators.

Plenty of parking available.

Plant sales provide an excellent opportunity to affordably build a garden of perennials. Members offer many unusual cultivars you can’t find at a box store.

It’s only 4 hours, so come early for the best selection!


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