How picky are you about hotel room decor?
3 years ago
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Tell Me About the 1st Room You Decorated
Comments (21)I was probably 14 or so before I actually "decorated" anything, other than covering every inch of some really horrible 1950s yellow-and-white-stripes-with-tiny-shiny-gold-flowers wallpaper with posters and pages torn from the pop-star magazines. My parents didn't really believe in wasting money on frivolous things like decorating so if I wanted anything I had to pay for it myself and work with the things I already had as-is. They were very much into "use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without" and decorating was one of the things they could really do without. (Well, my mother did decorate more - especially during her "country clutter" phase - and was the yard-sale queen but I didn't live with her because I didn't get along with my stepfather.) I had a tiny bedroom, less than 10x10, and the closet was a door across one corner of the room with a few hooks inside (which I think my folks secretly liked because it meant less shopping for clothes!). Anyway, when I was 14 I broke the bed that came with my horrible Sears French Provincial set and for a couple of years I had the mattress and box spring on the floor. :-) I put an old bookshelf at the top as a headboard, where I put my cassette player and cassettes and a reading lamp. I had a navy and white quilt made of bandanas my aunt made, just a bunch of bandanas sewn together with a backing, so I was kind of stuck with a blue-based color scheme. The (rented) house came with white aluminum blinds and once I got rid of those horrible Priscilla curtains (very much a fad about 10 years before and they just kept following me around) I just slid the curtain rod through the top hems of white twin-size sheets and covered that awful fussy white dresser with another sheet. I talked the landlord into letting me paint the walls as long as I paid for the paint and I think he was envisioning a nice girly-pink or beige... I painted the walls midnight blue and sponged them with half a dozen different shades of blue I made by mixing the blue with white paint. I did it in one long day when my parents weren't home. I liked it, it was like being in a snowstorm at night, but my dad was about ready to throttle me. (It took three coats of primer and two coats of paint to cover it up.) I cut back my posters to a dozen or so ;-) and framed them with those horrid snap-together black plastic frames from KMart, but that looked better than just scotch-taping them to the walls! When I was 16 my parents gave me a double bed for my birthday (with the intent that I take it with me when I moved out on my own) and I went through this weird little '80s-modernist/Deco phase. I bought a carpet remnant in a medium gray and repainted the walls dove gray. Found a set of Marimekko sheets in a clearance bin - white with geometric patterns in black, red, and electric blue - and ran with those colors. I still had that dang bandana quilt (and it stayed around until long after I'd graduated from college and I was SO sick of it... that whole "wear it out" thing really stuck) but I covered it with a red blanket. I got rid of that icky dresser and put all my clothes in stacked red milk crates. My then-boyfriend gave me a gigantic Patrick Nagel print (80s, remember? LOL) and I replaced the brass swing-arm lamp I had during the "blue period" ;-) with a red and black modernish one. Spray-painted a few things I had (got in deep trouble for that) shiny black. My parents moved to another very tiny house when I went to college the next year; my bed and a few small things went into the spare bedroom at the new house to act as a guest room but pretty much everything decorative ended up at Goodwill because my folks hated just about all of it. :-/...See MoreHow would you decorate a room around this cushion?
Comments (12)Another vote to use the green Roarah showed. Green, along with the other colors in your pillow remind me of the children's book, "The Secret Garden." Plus the colors would be cohesive with the rest of your house, icluding the blues you are using for accessories. Blue is a "cool" color while green is "warm." Maybe it's the blue walls that are throwing you off? With winter coming I'd add a throw quilt or two for the back of the sofa. I'm lousy at describing decor styles, but your's comes off as more minimalist....See MoreTile installation: how picky is too picky?
Comments (26)Thanks so much for your time, Beth! Yes, the chip is visible with the drain cover on. I will ask him to replace that piece, if he can. I think he actually did put caulk along the base of the shower, but it looks to me like he put it very deep in there somehow. Or maybe he has a bit of grout deep in there. Perhaps it will be less noticeable if he adds a bit more caulk. We bought caulk in a color that matches the grout from the same tile store; he told us to buy 'sanded caulk'. Is that the same as 100% silicone? There are 5+ tiles that have similar lippage to that spot I pictured. I am thinking about asking him if he can fix the ones that are in the high traffic areas (1 in the middle of a hallway, 2 in the main traffic area through the room). Does that seem reasonable to you?...See MoreHow would you decorate this morning room?
Comments (27)Wing back chairs are a traditional look. What is your style? If I were picking out furniture for an area like that, I would want an ottoman for my feet, and as much as they scream hospital to me, maybe a set of interlocking "C" side tables so that if I and my significant other both would like to have coffee and something to nibble on at the same time, we can both have a table to use, rather than having to worry about everything fitting on the one table, or having to get a gigantic table in the middle, and still having to twist to the side to reach something on it which as you get older is less and less of a cinch. At least those "C" tables these days are getting better looking and you can put them right in front of you if you want for your java and croissant and your morning paper (boy, am I dating myself) and you don't have to feel like you are using the hospital table, they are getting so good looking now. You may know that men like a big leather chair, and they are marvelous. And if you get a nice dark brown, a little spilled coffee or dog slobber can be easily wiped up. Or not even noticed :) Some men loove a leather recliner. And some women swear they would never have one in their house. If you can lean a bit modern-ish, a great compromise is the classic Eames chair with the matching ottoman. You can get a great replica....See MoreRelated Professionals
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