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Need your expert advice

laceyvail 6A, WV
2 years ago

I've posted for years on gardenweb, but maybe never on the Conifer forum. I'm quite an experienced gardener, but conifers are not my strong point. I've sold the property where I gardened for some 30 years and am now needing to landscape my new build, some 4 miles down the road. My soil is less acid at my new home--6.6 pH--and I fear many of the plants I know and love will not be happy. For one spot in particular I'm looking for a conifer--one that won't get too huge 20-30 feet max and not too wide. It needs to be deer resistant as well, so I'm wondering if there's a Chamaecyparis that would work. Deer pressure is light here, though present, and I would also consider any other conifer you might suggest. I don't need anything fancy, expensive or hard to find--a workhorse would be fine.

My thanks in advance.

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