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Merry Christmas Happy Holidays

3 years ago

What are you all cooking or growing for the Holidays? I have plans to attend two small gatherings but.... Covid is crazy here right now. So I am planning on things I can bring or drop off.

Todays plans are cookies - gingersnaps which may or may not be decorated - Dorie Greenspans world peace cookie and finally something with my stash of black walnuts. I will make focaccia.

I also grew a bunch of microgreens. My chef stepsister hosts a traditional italian 7 fishes meal. I have been thinking about a pea shoot, nasturtium and arugula (& maybe borage) salad for a few weeks. Also grew basil, parsley, lemon balm and cilantro. The chef wants the first three herbs.

Hope you all have a lovely holiday!

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