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Ideas for what seems like a useless waste of space (foyer / wide hall)

3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

So we finally moved all the boxes out from the hallway from moving in and I thought I'd feel like we've gained so much space.

But it's actually the opposite! :(

Looking at this not only do I not know what to do with it that would be usable and functional, and actually add to our lives - but all it makes me think about is "why didn't you just give me bigger actual living spaces or laundry room?"

(thoughts / ideas we had for improvement, at least were: painting a lighter color (maybe like a White Dove, new lighting fixture/pendant, a door with some glass to let some light through)...

But I just can't visualize anything being that great to take up this humongous hallway AND look good AND be useful for us.

What would you do with this space that I can't see? Any ideas?

Thank you.

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