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Long Wide Hallway - How To Decorate? PICS

13 years ago

So, we've moved in here beginning of March this year and I'm not quite sure what to do with this hallway.

The hallway is to the left as you enter the house, and leads to the 3 bedrooms and bathroom. Basically, it's shaped like a backwards L if you were entering the "top of the L" - it turns to the left.

The part in the picture is 5'3" wide, the part you don't see is a "normal" hallway width.

I'm trying to figure out what to do on the left side of the picture. I thought a nice narrow console on that wall would work, but it would be in front of the grille and but every time I need to change the a/c filter, I'd have to move it. Not the worse thing in the world I guess, but would have to move whatever is put on there.

Link below to what I had in mind originally

But, if I don't go that route, what else would look good along this wall? I'm not one to hang up family photos, I have a table in the living room for framed pictures, and will eventually have some type of gallery for paintings/prints in that same area. If I put a smaller table to the left of the a/c grille, would it look odd not having something to the right of the grille, or what would go to the right.

So, does anyone have any suggestions on what could be done in this area? Usually I can find something among the books and magazines I've got, if not a search on the web, but I'm coming up with bupkis. I don't want anything that will take up too much space, especially floor space.

Pictures below are before moving in:

Wall to the right of the door is the beginning of said hallway and is a view from the living room

Part of it after being painted

Here is a link that might be useful: {{!gwi}}

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