How to listen to iTunes through older amplifier
3 years ago
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- 3 years ago
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When to start buying seed? And listen to my lack of success... :(
Comments (30)Seedlings have everything they need to get started, it is stored withing the seed. They need no food until they get true leaves. I usually use Pro-Mix without fertilizer, and I don't feed them while still in the jugs. I'm usually planting out into beds once they get true leaves. I try to remember to add some mild organic fert in the planting hole when planting out but don't even always remember to do that. However, my beds are ammended regularly with homemade compost and that probably helps them thrive. Every year I do have a few jugs that don't sprout but the vast majority do very well. I've never had dampoff with WS seedling but I have had fungus gnats. Mosquito Dunks soaked in water worked well on them. Both dampoff and fungus gnats result from too much water. You can't control the rain, but I do try to protect from too much water in extremely wet weather. Sometimes I stick them on my porch under roof for a few days during days and days of spring rain, or I have been known to cover them with a plastic tarp. Also lots of big drainage holes are important. I agree that potting mix is a better choice than peat moss. Potting mixes have perlite and vermiculite for even soil moisture moisture and better drainage and aeration for roots. And if "weeds took over the pots" I suspect the peat was already contaminated with weed seeds when the containers were planted. I occasionally get a weed from a seed blown in outdoors (mostly maple trees from my neighbor's nearby maple) but there shouldn't be enough seeds floating in the air to "take over" a covered container. What kind of containers did you use ms minnamouse? Something with a cover? I'm glad to see that you are giving it another shot this year because this really does work so well most of the time. Karen...See MoreHow did everyone come through all the storms last night?
Comments (10)G.M., We're fine but we had a pretty rough night. We had 3 to 4 separate waves of storms after the NOAA weather alert went off to let us know that bad weather was approaching from Jefferson County. Just about 3" of rain, high wind, power out, some tree limbs down, but nothing serious at our house.....well, except for a serious lack of sleep. Marietta had more damage in town than we had here. There was a strip of power poles along Hwy 77 south of town where one pole went completely down and then quite a few others snapped in half. We got our power back more quickly than Marietta did, I think, 'cause our particular power lines run up to us from Thackerville, instead of down from Marietta. We saw lots of ornamental pear trees split right in half, which is typical after a big windstorm. We made a quick run to Ardmore to Lowe's this morning so I could get bags of mulch. Figured if I couldn't plant, I'd mulch what's already been planted. You wouldn't believe how many trampolines we saw in the middle of nowhere.....fields and pastures.....alongside the road (with no houses nearby).....piled up on top of cars or sheds or swingsets or fences. None of those trampolines looked salvageable. During the worst of last night's wind and rain, (before the power went we still had light to see by), our trees and shrubs were blowing in a rotating manner, but none of the trunks snapped. It is very wet and windy out there today. I am operating on a severe sleep deficit. I never really went back to sleep after the NOAA alert went off because every time I was almost asleep, it went off again for a total of 3 or 4 times. At least mulching is a easy task and I don't have to think real hard to to it. LOL Did you know the Roosevelt Bridge over Lake Texhoma was shut down half the night and most of today (one lane is currently open) because all the power lines and poles are covering the bridge? The stuff during the night was scarey, but I was more afraid of the storm cell that was moving our way sometime after 8 or 8:30 last was the one that spawned a tornado or two near Breckinridge, Texas, and then very slowly and laboriously made its way towards us. Just south of Gainesville, though, it veered southeast towards Whitesboro. We had watched it on KXII for an hour or more and I was just relieved it slid south of us. On the radar at the time, it looked like we'd take a direct hit, but we didn't. That same cell may be the one that did all the damage that has been reported near Denison. It looks gorgeous outside today, but the wind is really blowing hard out of the west. Dawn...See MoreHelp with i-tunes & my own album tracks
Comments (4)I wasn't clear enough. The tracks were all fine and would have played thru had I let them. However, I interrupted them by going to another track and then another after I listened enough to each one to satisfy my interest. While I was doing this, I soon realized that the tracks were disappearing as I clicked on the next selected track. This effect appeared to only happen with this album and in fact when I just now attempted to replicate more track loss, the remaining tracks would not disappear on this album either. Just before my initial post I had just checked that some random albums' tracks seemed to be complete and wouldn't disappear either. The lost tracks only occurred in one or two sessions with that one album. There is an extra issue. I have several cd albums that are listed under 'various' because the lead singer shared singing with some of her well known singing friends. This album is one of those, BUT I haven't lost tracks from a couple other 'various' albums I just checked (and had similarly scanned). If anyone knows where 'various' tracks go if they loose their association, they could be there I suppose. As usual, I hadn't thought to Google this issue until I posted. I found a 37 page active chat about this and similar track loss that began in 2009 and continues to the present. I suppose this could be a random general problem. I can always re-rip the cd but I was (and am) afraid that the problem will repeat. I am still wondering if I accidently clicked on some setting that hid the tracks so they wouldn't repeat and now should change a setting that will un-hide them....See MoreHow Many of You Listen.....?
Comments (21)Neither DH nor I want 'background noise'. I will sometimes listen to WGN (Chicago talk radio) if I'm driving more than a few miles. DH listens to a sports radio station sometimes during baseball and football seasons. I like to catch the news on NPR before I get up or listen to it for 30 minutes at bedtime if I'm in bed before DH. (I like classical music and opera' he doesn't.) We catch GMA or CNN on TV for a few minutes while we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner in the 'breakfast room'. We'll watch Jeopardy at dinnertime Saturdays. Our large TV is only in use for something we've recorded (like PBS Masterpiece) or for a DVD movie at 'teatime'. DH will use it to watch a specific game involving 'his' teams. (Well, I do use it for the Wii, too.) I roomed (briefly!) with a girl who *needed* noise 24/7. We once had neighbors whose TV was NEVER turned off -- or down -- unless a visitor requested it in order to have a conversation without shouting. I wondered if it was a barrier so they wouldn't have to talk to one another....See MoreRelated Professionals
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