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Shovel Pruning For more blooms

Hi! I am so excited to try tell you all about my newest experiment! I was told that shovel pruning my new roses would cause them to bloom like crazy!!!! So I took out my shovel and began to prune them! I whacked them a bunch of times just like I was told to do and then dug them up and whacked the roots! I replanted what was left and I was so satisfied! I can't wait to see my beautiful rare roses do so much better next year!!! This method is supposed to shock the plant into growing frenzy so it will sprout through the snow and bloom in the winter!

*********************************(See Bottom for more details about this post)*************************************

Here is a picture that looks somewhat like what I did to my roses! Except mine look even MORE shovel pruned!


**************************THIS IS A JOKE!!!! THIS POST IT IS NOT REAL AT ALL!!!!!**************************


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