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3-4 year old Christmas cactus taking a turn for the worse

I was given this Christmas cactus 3, maybe 4 years ago. I had never had one before, and after some research and learning that they prefer to be root bound, I moved it from the original 4" plastic pot to a similar 4" ceramic pot (with 1 hole in the bottom for drainage) with a little saucer.

Since then, I've watered it weekly using filtered water (I have tap water with some heavy elements, so I use a 25 micron PUR filter for the dogs and to water plants). When I water it, I sit it in the sink on a wire rack, slowly pour about 2 cups of filtered water directly on the soil, then let it drain overnight.

I keep it inside, near a North-facing window, so the temperature fluctuates from 65 to 77 year-round and no direct sun.

It did great for awhile. It bloomed in 2019, but not last year; I went through the steps and it developed buds, but they never bloomed. Also notable is that it hasn't really gotten any bigger since I got it; maybe one or two new sections (or whatever you call it), but that's all.

Then about 6 weeks ago (give or take), I noticed that it was kind of soft and looking pretty wilty! I haven't changed anything on my end, so I'm not sure what's up.

After some research online I stepped up the watering to twice a week, but that had no impact.

My only thought... a larger pot? Maybe fertilizer? You can see in the last pic that the roots are coming above the surface, so maybe it's TOO root bound? I would really appreciate any advice!

These pics are today, and I just watered it last night.

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