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Philodendron in the way of painting my columns

Miami Cuse
3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

I am planning to repaint my front columns, they are concrete columns 24"X24" and 7 feet tall.

I have these I believe are some kind of Philodendron growing on them. On some sides I have them draping down from the top and all I need to do is to push them aside to paint.

On other sides I have some roots latching onto the wall, one wall in particular has many roots.

My questions are:

Is it possible to detach the roots from the wall gently (say with a putty knife) so I can paint the walls, will that kill or harm the plant?

Along the wall that I have a lot of tangled roots, are all the roots alive? I touched and squeezed some of them seem dry/brittle and some are solid and hard. What is the best way to thin some out? I can't seem to be able to tell which leader up top correspond to which root(s). I see no chance of decoupling these entire plants from the columns without significant damages.

If I can isolate and remove a section of it, I am not sure I can remove the roots completely, these are skinny roots that runs down to the soil and quite deep and very likely if I try to dig them up they will be damaged and cut in the process.

