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Uh oh... need dahlia answer asap please

So, I dug up my dahlias over the last few days, and today was going to divide and store them, and pulled out the boxes I used last winter to ascertain whether I could reuse the peat moss. I open the box and what do I see but four little green stems growing in the peat moss!

Apparently the tubers I either missed or left for dead weren't dead, and started growing. Three of them are just stems, about two to three inches above the peat, green and alive. One of them is about the same size but leafed out. I haven't taken them out of the peat moss yet to look at any root growth.

So... what do I do? Can I just pack them up with the other tubers and they'll survive the winter? Are they goners? I won't plant and bring inside because I just don't do well with overwintering plants indoors and it will be too much stress to keep them alive lol.

Thoughts? Thanks!



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