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Stuck under rude neighbor with special needs child.

3 years ago

I can hardly find any posts online about my problem in this condo/apartment setting - probably because my severely disabled child is the quiet one vs the grown adult(s) in the unit above us!

My child does have meltdowns periodically though we are blessed they have become few and far between as our past neighbors above us were only noisy in a reasonable "normal living" sort-of-way. Even when she would be up in the middle of the night in pain and screaming and crying we would try to get her out- if we could safely. They never complained they could hear her- maybe they are understanding considerate folk.

NOW we have new neighbors (met one of them). The guy we met is a disgruntled grumpy person it would seem. My husband was very friendly with him and I tried to say hi as well. He was trying to get sympathy from my husband for his "woes" in life (about supporting his children, having to move from this nice area- he seemed to feel above us when we said we are grateful to move here from a very contrasting neighborhood). He divulged a lot of "poor me" information but was not otherwise friendly he rolled his eyes at me when I introduced myself, wouldn't acknowledge our child and was moving in at the middle of the night.

We had to move in the middle of the night before due to my husband's work hours- but we always did so as considerately as possible- tried to cut it off at least by curfew, if had to be longer would be as quiet as mice. Not this guy & his roomie. They bang bash and smash while stomping across the floor. We tried bringing me up and got a "that's just how we walk" response. One of them stomps loudly when my kid was crying because she was exhausted from little sleep (due to their noise). They occasionally add loud music to the roster.

The management here say he is "nice" as if that's true nor has anything to do with his actions. The thing is under our state law "quiet and peaceful enjoyment" in our lease is a grey area. We would have to prove they are being unreasonably loud and exercising vs walking etc. The management keeps sounding biased saying he is "polite" with them, (well so are we), and because he's a bigger guy (we've lived under bigger people before...) he gets pity. We have three people getting little to no sleep and a disabled child having disturbances throughout her day even though we pay out-the-nose to live here.

We were told we could move to another unit nearby (and upstairs) but they upped the rent price on us in one day- are telling us we have to pay a second deposit, a whole months rent to live in the new place for 1/2 a month, plus fees and will have only two days to move or get penalized with more fees!!! It feels like we are being robbed and they are trying to say we are charged for breaking our lease yet we feel we are forced to do so to live our normal lives and get our money's worth! I'm trying to work with them to compromise so we can afford to just move (to the more expensive unit- we just had health bills crop up on top of slow season at work..).

Do we have a case here/ leg to stand-on hypothetically??? Or are we screwed into trying to adapt to this madness for the last 9 months of our lease??! Thank you
