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Suggestions for Deterring Critters from Feasting on Flowers?

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

I planted a coneflower (echinacea) last year and was super excited that it came back strong and recently started blooming. Thursday night the first flower was in full bloom and looked so pretty I took some portraits of it just before the sun went down. By 8:30 the next morning, the entire bloom was gone and all that was left was the stalk :( Given how quickly and thoroughly it was beheaded, I suspect a critter rather than insects.

I've seen rabbits munch at the leaves some mornings, but I'm not sure how a rabbit could have leaned the stalk down far enough (it was pretty tall) to eat the whole thing, so I suspect it was one of our resident squirrels.

The plant has many buds that haven't opened yet, and I would love to prevent the critters from getting at the rest of them once they bloom. Any suggestions for a deterrent? A neighbor suggested sprinkling cayenne pepper so I may try that, and I also found a recipe that seems like a good idea (making a spray out of pepper flakes). Just curious if anyone has experience with a natural (preferably homemade) deterrent that's been effective for squirrels and rabbits.

Coneflower portraits from Thursday evening:

As of yesterday morning :(

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