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What should I do about sprinkler run times if I have a mix of heads?

4 years ago

Just got a 4 zone install done last fall for lawn turf and just found out about the bad issue of mixing heads. I have a zone with 3 rotors & 2 sprays. I also have an additional zone that has 4 sprays & 1 rotor. Clearly due to the landscape. The problem here is the water run time. What should I do? Could I separate them by adding new zones or try to compensate by shortening run time? Run time for my rotors is 25 min but well below that for sprayers. I think at max it was like 8 minutes. What's my best option? Right now I have that zone with 4 sprays running for 12 min as I just tried to meet half-way since it's mostly sprays. Quite frankly I'm pulling the rest of my hair out from all this math I've done the past few days. Any advice is appreciated. Shoot me straight. What am I dealing with here?

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