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Is this Rose Rosetta Disease? And Recommendations for Replacements

8 months ago

I have 3 large knockout rose bushes in our backyard and they were beautiful after planting then in 2021. Fast forward to end of last summer (2023) and odd new growth began to appear. We pruned the roses back over the winter months when they were dormant and once again, the ugly new growth returned. I am attaching images below. I believe this looks like Rose Rosetta Disease but would like additional input. You can see the "normal" plant growth at the bottom of the second photo.

If it is RRD, I am wondering what would work in place of these roses. We live in Austin, TX and the bed gets full sun exposure as it faces south, southwest. The roses are in the center of the long bed so I need something different than what is already on either side. I would like to stay away from any type of roses. We currently have white plumbago, blue plumbago, golden thrialis, Jerusalem sage, Mexican bush sage, decorative grass, Copper Canyon daisy, loropetalum, pride of Barbados, and Indian spire mystic salvia. It would need to grow to about 5' tall max. I have included an image of the flower bed after the suspected RRD photos. Please note that the bed will look "full" as growth of the plants that are reemerging post winter fill in.

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