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Now this is weird...very weird...

Annie Deighnaugh
3 years ago

About a week ago, we heard a noise outside that almost sounded like the wind had blown over one of our patio chairs or something. We went outside and looked and all the chairs were as we'd left them.

So today, I'm pulling my lounger under the deck where it's cool and shady in the garden and there I see on the ground, a spherical rock up against the leg of the park bench we have under there. Huh. We have about a 3' high stone wall under the deck, above which we've placed rocks and such to make it look like a dry river bed sort of. Somehow this rock on it's own, rolled around another rock, off the stone wall and dropped onto the patio below.

Say what?

Mind you, this was a few weeks ago, so it's not like there were any frost heaves or anything that would've moved it, and if we'd had an earthquake, we would've known it.


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