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What color would you paint roof trim on square house with flat roof?

4 years ago

My landlord is painting the building. Looking for advice on roof trim color. She doesn't like black. I was thinking:

Walls/downspoutw/window edgings - white (not cream)

Roof edging - grey or brown

Wrought iron/overhang - will probably remain black

I've been searching and searching both online and roaming the neighborhood. I'm afraid brown will look dated; and grey will look flat. I'm leaning towards a dark grey but worry might just look like a band along the top and not cohesive. I've attached a screen shot from Pinterest. It is clean looking and I like the roof color. Our roof is flat but I was wondering if that roof color would work for trim?.

Input appreciated! I love living here and look forward to it being spruced up. I can't wait. :)

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