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A follow up to fertilizer for (all) plant needs

4 years ago


I've been reading the last few weeks over the incredibly detailed forums on Water retention in container soils, fertilizers, and optimal growing conditions.

I've been dropping comments here and there but I guess it's better to just start my own thread to ask the questions floating around in my head.

Firstly, I'm growing everything in gritty mix for the time being. I'm growing a citrus tree in a big pot, a lavender plant, and some peace lilys. Now, that's out of the way, the following comment is confusing to me in regards to fertilization:

"I use a liquid fertilizer with a full compliment of nutrients and micro-nutrients in a 3:1:2 ratio.

Note that 'RATIO' is different than NPK %. Also note how closely the 3:1:2 ratio fits the average ratio of NPK content in plant tissues, noted above (10:1.5:7)"

1. The average ratio of the plant seems to be closer to 6:1:4 if my calculation and thinking is correct. (10 divided by 1.5 is 6.6 (N's uptake is 6x more than P)) & (7 divided by 1.5 is 4.6(K's uptake is 4.6x more than P)

Rounded down, the ratio comes to be about 6:1:4 How is he getting 3:1:2 ?

2. Is he saying that the RATIO of the fertilizer should be similar to the average RATIO of the plant?

Meaning I shouldn't worry about the percentage figure on the label. I should be concerned with the ratio of them, right?

ie; I have a fertilizer (Nu Vital) with a NPK % on the label that says 12-3-5. Which comes to a ratio of 4:1:1.5 (RAW numbers not multiplied)

I also have a CITRUS fertilizer here which is even closer to the average ratio of the plant @ an NPK % of 10-2.0-9, which considering how close it is to the avg. ratio of the plants nutrient needs at a ratio of about 5:1:4.5, This would be more suitable than the Nu Vital option, would it not?

3. Why are so many people on some of these forums recommending a ratio of 5:1:2 for citrus if ALL plants use the same ratio - as Tapla said?

I have more questions regarding the correct method of reducing N and divert energy to increase yield when it comes to fruit growth but I think I'll just take it one step at a time and focus on getting the plant healthy first and ensure a correct fertilizer regiment is in place before I overwhelm myself with information.

Thanks for reading.

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