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February 2020, Week 2

Another week, another chance for garden chat, especially if you have rain in your forecast on as many days as I do. Since it is too wet to actually do any gardening, maybe we can at least talk about it. I think Tim and I will enjoy these lake-sized 'forever' puddles we have had all winter and continue to have and maybe open a catfish hatchery or something. All we're missing is the fish.

We are arriving at that magical, mystical start to the gardening season. Some people probably are about ready to put onions in the ground, while those of us under water are going to have to wait a while for that. The stores here in our area now have plenty of onions in the store, and the Bonnie Plants transplants of cool-season veggies. It is a little early here, though a perfectly fine time to plant for anyone east of my county, right along the river and over there in southeastern OK. We still have some pretty cool nights, so those of you itching to plant early, please remember that young transplants generally are not hardened off to cold and may need to be covered up on coldish nights when lows drop well below freezing.

Are your roses leafing out? Ours are, and I blame that 83-degree day last week for making the roses think they can start a bit early this year. If you need to prune your roses, check them soon and make sure you get them pruned before they start putting too much energy into leafing out. The same is true with your fruit trees, brambles and grape vines. There's also still time to plant bare-root roses (and other perennials and flowering shrubs), fruit trees, brambles and grape vines if you are seeing them in stores, but I'd hurry and get it done this month before too much warm weather arrives. After the plants are breaking dormancy, it is better to plant container plants, not bare-root ones, just to give the plants a better chance to become well-established before the summer heat arrives. Pansies are in the stores now and could be planted as well.

If you are going to plant your seed potatoes in February, remember to chit them (green-sprout them) before planting if you like to do that, and after you cut the seed potatoes into pieces, let them air dry for a couple of days before you plant them. If your soil is persistently wet, you might want to dust the cut pieces before planting with sulfur to reduce the chances of the seed potato pieces rotting before they can grow.

When you look at the OSU Spring Planning Guide, remember that the range of dates, i.e. February 15 - March 10, for example) doesn't mean everybody in every part of the state can plant the listed plant anytime during that range of dates. Remember that the earliest date given is for southeastern OK, which tends to warm up and stay warm first, and the latest date is for northwestern OK, r for them (though most seem to just bathe and drink from the rain puddles). It is nice to have them back early, but I feel bad for them on the cold nights when we drop into the low 20s. Still, as soon as the sun comes up and it warms up just a bit, they are out singing and carrying on and eating, and making it feel more and more like Spring. While hints of warmer weather abound, including early flower buds on many shrubs and trees, I still don't trust the weather. It has been incredibly erratic ever since that first early freeze back in early October, and the temperatures have been up and down like a roller coaster. The temps are going to have to stabilize more before I feel comfortable planting much of anything out in the garden.

Lady bugs are awake and moving around the yard and garden. I'm not sure what they are finding to eat. I am not seeing the small grasshoppers that we had hatching out in December and January, which is a good thing. I'm thinking either some of the cold nights froze them to death, or the rain carried them downstream. Either one of those options works for me.

So, let us know what's happening in your yard and garden. If signs of spring aren't busting out all over, I think they soon will be.

Have a great week everyone.


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