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What is your favorite Fruit Tree and Non Fruiting Tree ?

And why ?


I will start with my favorite fruit tree which is the Mandarin Orange Tree. I have several varieties but they are my favorite fruit to eat and the healthiest ( citrus family ). Not only do they taste great but look good as well. They are easy to care for , produce fruit easily where I live , are evergreen, fragrant in spring and when the fruit ripens in color the look outstanding. Also I can grow them successfully in containers. This was not an easy decision because I really love avocados but they are a little more difficult to grow in containers.

Non Fruiting- hands down for me it is the Japanese Maple Tree's. I have over 50 varieties in my collection and they are just so stunning to the eye especially as the change colors throughout the season. And some varieties even look good in the winter with their coral, reed or yellow bark.

What are your favorites and why ?

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