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Cork spot disease in apples soil test follow-up question

Rural central MN. Zone 4b. various apple varieties from 5-10 years old. well drained somewhat sandy soil. Previous treatments of fertilizer limited to twice yearly application of minimum recommended amounts of nitrogen.

Previous post asked about likely source of random brown areas in my apples. problem seemed to fit description of cork spot disease as there was no evidence of insect activity (no trails or frass). I also found a write up that indicated that fruit trees often need a treatment with lime to bolster soil calcium after several years which I have not done. (trees are 5-10 years old)

Soil test shows PH of 7 - 7.2. Potassium and Phosphorous both on the low end of "medium" concentrations. soil calcium levels of 1400 - 1500. recommended treatment from soil testing lab is 10-10-10 fertilizer.

Given my existing problem is this recommended fertilizer treatment likely to resolve the cork spot problem.

thanks in advance to anyone offering advice.

mark in MN

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