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Help me choose some roses

Sarah H (10a, Melbourne, Australia)
5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

Hello Houzz rose experts!

I'm in a very fortunate position of expanding my existing rose garden in Flemington, Melbourne. Here's my Instagram to give you an idea of the rose-ituation:

The garden gets plenty of sunlight, particularly the front which is blasted with northern light. My current roses are:

Dame Elisabeth Murdoch

Just Joey

Augusta Luise




Pope John Paul II

Dark Desire



Perfume Delight

Double Delight


Plus 6x standards in the front garden: 3x Brass Band and 3x Gold Bunny.

I also had a Barbra Streisand, but she was a black spot magnet who infected all nearby roses so I yanked her up this morning. Such a shame, since her blooms were captivating.

Since investing in my rose garden I've fallen in love with David Austin roses and the shape of English roses. Initially when I set up my garden I thought hybrid teas were all the rage but have 'seen the light' and would dearly love to expand my collection away from these. Delbard roses are also an area into which I'm keen to venture.

The rose extension/available spaces are as follows:

1. Installing a raised bed (2m x 1m) against a big red brick wall (faces east, gets sun all day). Room for a central robust climber to cover the wall, plus a bush rose at either end of the bed.

2. I have space against a long wooden fence for 3 climbers (or at least, 3 roses that would benefit from some support).

3. A large bare spot next to a Black Tulip magnolia.

4. A bare border area with room for 3x a low-growing rose

5. In the front, I have two nude veranda pillars begging from some rose adornment.

6. The bare spot in the main garden bed left by Barbra Streisand spot

7. A side strip in the front garden where penstemons have burnt in the sunlight

- 3x Fearless roses?

My current rose ideas:

- Climbers to consider: 2x Nahemas for the front verandah, Lady of Shallot, Abraham Darby, Graham Thomas, Teasing Georgia, A Shropshire Lad, a Kordes 'Climing Max rose' such as Laguna

- Bush roses to consider: the Delbard Souvenir Emmanuel, Jude the Obscure, Olivia Austin, Princess Alexandra of Kent, one of the Delbard 'painters' collection (any tips?), Claire Austin, Sceptre D'Isle, Golden Celebration

- Border roses (x3 en masse) to consider: Bordure Camaieu, Munstead Wood

Please help me pick some roses! Which climber would grow the biggest and would suit the brick wall best (rather than the fence). Any experiences with Kordes 'climbing max' roses? Any David Austin's that are 'must haves' or definite 'to avoids'?

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