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Asian Vegetable Experts, what is this?

Now that sleevendog has gotten me addicted to Li ZiQi's channel, I just can't stop watching those gorgeous videos. But I don't have any idea of what the vegetable is that she prepares in the latest one:

It was a good-sized plant with mustardy looking leaves, but she rips those off and gives them to the geese and just prepares the big bumpity stem. A lot of people have been asking in the youtube comments but no answer yet, and I looked through everything I could find online without coming up with anything.

From the way it's prepared I would guess it might be a relative of kohlrabi, but that's totally guessing. Anyone familiar with this? I never saw it in the markets in Beijing, but I know there are several vegetables that seem to be unique to Sichuan.

Link to video if anyone wants to see more:

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