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Leaves, glorious leaves! The yard crew owner comes through for me.

5 years ago

I didn't get to rake the leaves that fell from my elm and oak trees last week because I was too busy. Right now, the owner of the yard crew is the only one working the mower, and he and I had a good chat years ago about my gardens, He has held off mowing my front yard when he saw me out there raking, so he knows I rake the leaves as winter mulch. Yesterday, I wasn't home when he came through, and was sad because I didn't get to rake. I turned the corner, and my jaw dropped! He hadn't mowed in front of my apartment, leaving all those beautiful leaves for me to rake.

So this morning, I went out and raked them, as more leaves were falling on my head. My gardens would not exist except for these leaves. The soil was so horrid when I got here, but there were earthworms. I kept piling leaves up every year, they rotted to make topsoil and the earthworms turned them into worm poop to feed the roots. After 3-1/2 years, my soil is nothing like the nasty, sandy stuff I had before. It's black and crumbly, and earthworms abound.

Ain't nature grand? it really does give us everything we need to grow gardens if we are patient. I'm not especially patient, so I do use fertilizer occasionally, but mostly, it's the earthworms, beneficial soil microorganisms and all that lovely leaf mould that do most of the work.

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