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Car colors, do you have a favorite...or do you even care?

6 years ago

I got a new car this weekend, a 2017 Nissan Rogue. It was competitively priced, has hardly any miles, is fully loaded and drives great. It fits our needs perfectly so I’m pretty excited about it. The only “flaw” IMO, was the color (which apparently isn’t important enough to make me walk away). It’s blue and a fairly strong blue at that. I‘ve had red, white, silver, black, yellow and gray cars, but never blue. I haven’t cared for this tone of blue much when I‘ve seen it on the road, but now that it’s in my garage....well, I have to admit, it is a happy color and thankfully, it’s starting to grow on me. My husband who usually says he could care less about color said he really likes it and thinks it looks sharp. Even though I don’t have a favorite color per say, I do remember feeling like the silver and gray were kind of drab.

So now I’m curious, do you have a favorite car color or preference? Would a color prevent you from buying the otherwise perfect car? Is there a color out there that you would absolutely never in your wildest dreams drive?

this is my blue car

And this is my new favorite color of car which is available on the new Volvo. The photo doesn’t do it justice really, when I saw it in person, it was stunning. And..ironically, it’s a gray with a bluish tint to it. Go figure!

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