Car colors, do you have a favorite...or do you even care?
6 years ago
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- 6 years ago
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I do, do you? Keep a cooler in your car?
Comments (24)I keep a cooler in both of my cars. If I go to Pierre which is 40 miles away I uusally need it. When we go to Bismarck which is 3 hours away I for sure need it. I like to shop in ND because there is no sales tax on grocery and there is more competition because there is more grocery stores to choose from. In Pierre all we have is WM and a Super Valu. We have a grocery store 9 miles over but I don't go in there very ofter because the prices are high beins it is a town of 700...See MoreDo you have individual health care? Question
Comments (184)I know I've said this before but as a Canadian I had to have emergency surgery at the ER earlier this year. Walked in, didn't even have my health card because it was expired, walked out later that night never having signed anything or pay a cent. called the billing clerk at the hospital the next week with my new expiry date and she already had it. No muss no fuss no worries and no cash involved. I pay approximately 50% of my income in taxes and federal contributions off the top plus 15% sales tax on many items and services and I'm happy to do so. In return I have access to equitable and excellent public schools, Canada pension plan and employment insurance. Oh and it takes about 15 minutes to do my tax return. there are four main ways the Canadian System saves money and promotes efficiency: 1. Prices for services are set by the provincial governments who act as the public insurer. as we discussed for example a single issue office visit at a GP is $30 In my province. 2. A whole huge layer of middleman and complexity is removed because the system is so simple. What might be a whole wing for billing in an American hospital is a room in a Canadian hospital. Not to mention we don't have intermediate insurers taking a cut. 3. Government negotiate the price of prescription drugs. 4. Family doctors are trained to act as gatekeepers and cost managers. For example if they can solve your problem they wont refer you to a specialist. there's no such thing as an MRI on demand In Nova Scotia unless you want to pay $900 for a private one. This is the most frustrating aspect of the system. but it does make sense, essentially if you're demanding a bunch of testing that doesn't fit the gold standard of care you were likely to be denied....See MoreLong Term Care Insurance--do you have it?
Comments (29)Like Jim_1, we evaluated our risk profile for morbidity and decided on buying it. We have the equivalent of "Cadillac" LTCi (I guess that might be Mercedes-Benz or Bentley, these days, lol), purchased through the state pension fund which polices the LTC carriers very strictly. It's costly. But we knew that going in. I'd worked in insurance for almost 20 yrs and still have friends in the industry, including corporate actuaries. I told DH that the original pricing was too low and we should be ready to budget for premium increases in the future. Those increases have happened, and fortunately we're still able to afford the premiums. We have no intention of letting them go. Our morbidity risk is still high. In 2013 we moved my MIL to a wonderful full-care senior facility. She had early dementia but was fine with a regular daily routine. She was a sociable sort but shy about making friends on her own, so the facility was great for her. She was age 85 when she moved in, and sure she was still "too young" for this place. Imagine her shock when she was seated at a dining table with three other residents, and she was the YOUNGEST. One of her new companions was 100 yrs old and had been living in the facility for 30 years! Because MIL needed to have enough $$$ to afford Memory Care as she declined, we were and still are, conversant with what facilities charge for Skilled Nursing and Memory Care in our area. Interestingly, when we were researching facilities for MIL, there was little difference in the Asst. Living monthly rents, although costs for services varied, between the for-profit and non-profit facilities. But when looking into SN and MC units, the difference was substantial, to the tune of more than $3K/monthly. It had nothing to do with the quality of care; the non-profit we selected for MIL was one of the more reasonable ones yet is rated 3rd in the state. In 2015, the cost for SN/MC at this facility was $8500/mo. You need to remember although this cost is inclusive of all medical services, personal items and some extras deemed non-essential are NOT provided by any facility we interviewed. Such items, for increased comfort or emotional support, are the responsibility of the resident or resident's family, so that is an additional cost. It should also be noted that all the facilities we interviewed did not accept Medicaid patients at all as initial residents. All of the non-profits and a couple of the for-profits said their policy was to apply for Medicaid for residents who eventually ran out of funds (helping defray those SN/MC costs is one of the major expenses in a facility's General Budget). Some of the for-profits, however, said if a resident ran out of funds, they were asked to leave. These facilities would contact the state to arrange for a transfer to a Medicaid facility that would accept the resident: no choice of where to go, btw. As pointed out above, if you think there is any risk of needing Medicaid, it would be wise to find out the laws in your state, AND STAY UP TO DATE ON THEM. Medicaid is 50% federally funded and is always dependent upon the goodwill of Congress for its funding. Currently 80% of the U.S. elderly in SN and MC facilities are being funded by Medicaid. HTH....See MoreDo you have two cars? If so why?
Comments (90)Catching up here. I’m so glad Rocky is better! What a scare you had. Faron, good to see your new car, and also nice to hear others are out trying and buying new ones. Must be in the air. I have had a touch of new car fever myself. Mine usually starts with noticing new models in the road, on-line searches and research, and trying to decide what I want next. I don’t ‘need’ a new car, but am trying to resolve whether I want to get a small SUV or crossover and trade in my sedan. Hard to figure out since DH has a 4WD king cab Tacoma truck and a couple of utility trailers anyway. So we don’t really need it for hauling anything except that I can cram a lot more plants and stuff in the back of an SUV than in a trunk. Plus I think they are cool. My car is so comfy and quiet on the road, and I want to make sure I get similar in whatever I get next....See MoreRelated Professionals
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Annette Holbrook(z7a)