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Do you have two cars? If so why?

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

I may end up with two SUV’s - a 4runner for bikes, etc. and a nicer one (Range Rover Sport) for my everyday car. I like the idea of having a back up car. I’m curious what other people’s reasons for two cars (two people driving doesnt count).

Comments (90)

  • 6 years ago

    We have a hyper-blue Mini Cooper S that we bought in Europe when we lived in the Netherlands. We had so much fun in that car we'll never get rid of it and it can rumble. My husband drives it when he runs errands. It's a 5 speed. I have bursitis in my left hip, so using a clutch is painful at this point in time. My husband also has a Ford F250. He uses it to haul our boat, pick up lumber, take our trash and recyclables to the transfer station. I have a very hard time getting up into it and down out of it. I've never driven that truck.

    My vehicle is a Honda CRV with an automatic transmission. A slow cow of an SUV but it's practical. My husband has a 1988 Porsche 944 Turbo S that he'll never part with, and just bought a 2016 Porsche Cayman GT4 track car. I can barely get into and out of that.

    I don't have a dream car anymore. I used to love to drive - had a Saab 9000 CSE Turbo. It could scream. 5-speed. Alas - no more :o(

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Wow thanks for all the responses! I really enjoyed reading each of them and they are very helpful!

    I bought a cavalry blue toyota 4runner yesterday, but I decided that I am keeping my order for the range rover sport (RRS). I was concerned that my old car would not make it to Nov when the new RRS arrived, so when toyota called to tell me they had the 4runner trd pro come in in a rare color, I went down and negotiated the price.

    I really dont want to put a filthy mountain bike in my range rover. Trust me, these bikes can damage the interior of the car. My car I traded in yesterday had oil and rips all over it. Since I ride a lot, I do not want to deal with loading and unloading a heavy rack onto the tow knob on the RRS. I also do not want to leave my bikes unsecured on a back of a vehicle. Putting it on the roof would be very difficult and I know people that have driven into their garage this way. With the toyota, I can throw them in the back and not even take the wheels off.

    I decided that I do want a second car. The Land Rover dealership is 15 miles away on the other side of town, 20 miles away from work. I have to cover call in my profession and this means that I must always have a working vehicle available. Over labor day, my car broke down. I had to uber to the airport to rent a car, at an exorbitant price. Anyway, after thinking about it and speaking with my colleagues at work, I am pushing forward with my plan for two cars. But I might switch to the range rover hybrid. :)

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  • 6 years ago

    You got the Cavalry Blue? I’m so excited for you! You’ll be able to cruise all kinds of rugged back roads now! And look good doing it lol

    rockybird thanked OneRidgeOff
  • 6 years ago

    OneRidgeOff - thank you! I did! It was totally unexpected! I just happened to be off work, running errands, literally wondering if my old car was going to make it to November (when the RRS arrives), when toyota called me to say that they had unexpectedly gotten the cavalry blue Pro in. I told the guy I wasnt interested as I had a RRS on order. He kept persisting, and I started thinking that maybe it wasnt such a bad idea, especially given my car's current state. I told him I would only come look at it if I got a screaming deal on it, because I dont have to have the car. Of course, I ended up haggling with them, almost walking out, and on top of it not eating all day...pretty soon I had lost all sense of comprehension and I was driving home in the car. Given the demand for the car and the color, though, I think I did all right. I also got them to throw in blacking out the toyota logo on the back, to minimize chrome (although I'm tempted to do red!). Anyway, everyone at work has been going out to the garage to look at it!

  • 6 years ago

    Congrats on the new ride, Rockybird! At one point we had five cars for two people!: A van we used for trips and for our Big Band gigs, DH’s daily driver, my beloved 2004 Beetle Convertible, our SUV and my company car. We also had three acres, which made the fleet seem not so imposing. Before we moved from AL to NM in 2014 we got down to two vehicles. In order to do that I sobbingly agreed to part with my Beetle. We’ve done fine with two cars here in NM.

    But last fall the friend who bought my Beetle back in 2014 was faced with reducing HER fleet and asked if I wanted to buy Klaus back. OF COURSE I DID. We were planning a trip back over Christmas and we picked him up. We now have three cars and Klaus has taken the garage spot and pushed my Touareg outside. I’m looking forward to giving Klaus comfort in his dotage

    We’re contemplating keeping Klaus and trading my Touareg and DH’s Forester for one newer SUV. But then a day like today occurs when my SUB battery dies at work and DH is out of town. I got an Uber home, cranked up the Beetle and went out to eat. That third car is awesome when you need it!

  • 6 years ago

    Allison0704, GREAT way to describe the front of the 2016 and up Lexus- > < !

    I had mine inspected last week and was talking to to owner of the place I LOVE to take it - much better than the dealer. I saw a beautiful white RX350 in the lot with the tan leather seats, and asked if it was a 2015 - the last year before they got that gaping front end.

    He said yes, and that it was sold, and the 'older' ones without that > < front end 'are like gold now, as so many people don't like the front of the 2016's and up'. They'll pay extra for a used one to get the previous front end. He said while the 2016s and up sit on the lot, people will pay a premium for the 2015s and earlier.

  • 6 years ago

    Congrats, Rockybird, on the Toyota!

    I have the Mustang 5.0L convertible and Subaru Outback. But from 97 to 2003 the Mustang was my only car and I was single, so if I needed mulch, I lined the trunk with trash bags, and that was it. I had a trunk mounted bike rack that worked with that model of Mustang. I don't bike as much as I used to, but I do put the bike in the Subaru. I am too short, and I don't want a roof rack. I'd consider a hitch if I really wanted one.

    The Cook's Kitchen, I know a lot of people like you from the Mustang club! Track cars, daily drivers, show cars, fully enclosed trailers, etc. Original owners of 64 1/2 Mustang and 67 Shelby.

  • 6 years ago

    Jakabedy - I’m so glad Klaus is back with you!

    One Ride Off - beautiful car! :). I couldnt get a great pic as I got home as it was getting dark. I’m still in shock that i bought this car, but they seem to really hold their value.

  • 6 years ago

    Rockybird, it’s a sweet ride! So happy for you! Negotiating a new car is no fun, but glad you hung in there. It looks right at home at your house.

    Right now we have a like new 2004 4Runner sitting in our driveway. DS bought it for our grandson in our city and we are driving it to them today. Long story, but good used ones are hard to find, and this one was a local one owner, clear record, and perfect shape for its age.

    rockybird thanked OutsidePlaying
  • 6 years ago

    Very cute car! Love the color. My husband really wants a truck or something he can throw stuff into. I can understand not keeping nice bikes on the outside of your car.

    rockybird thanked robo (z6a)
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Thank you robo and outside playing! I got the dealer to agree to black out the logo and lettering on the back as part of the sale. I think I will match it to the front gun metal grey. I think I will change the logo trd pro on the back and side to red.

  • 6 years ago

    A former coworker of mine got a 4-Runner TRD in I think 2016 or 2017. She was still driving her 2005 4-Runner and finally got a new one. She LOVES that vehicle. Hers isn’t that cool blue, though. It’s a super dark metallic gray.

    rockybird thanked jakabedy
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    That's a beautiful car! What a cool color! We almost got a 4 Runner, but got a Tundra for towing a toy hauler loaded with motorcycles ( about 5,500-6,000 lbs). We have 5 cars ( 3 drivers) and 10 motorcycles and scooters ( 3 riders)......have a few toys.

    rockybird thanked summersrhythm_z6a
  • 6 years ago

    I would go with the blackout!

    rockybird thanked gsciencechick
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Outsideplaying, there is a Miata club in almost every city. I used to have a Miata. They meet and drive together, a lot of fun. I followed them once on the highway in my SLK, couldn't help it. :-) Miata drivers are very friendly, when they passing by each other they always peep and wave. I really missed that. Now when I am riding a motorcycle or a scooter I do "peace on the road" sign when I saw a motorcycle or scooter rider passing by, that's really cool too.

    rockybird thanked summersrhythm_z6a
  • 6 years ago

    2 people., 2 cars. We don't drive to work. Have a small hybrid for in town but also short visits within 2 hrs (50+ mpg) plus an old minivan for carting stuff around (bikes and kids moving) and rarely as a spare.

    Thinking about getting a replacement for the small car that's a bit sportier and more comfy but still gets great mileage.

    Last time I checked, our bike arsenal came super close to double digits.

    rockybird thanked nosoccermom
  • 6 years ago

    Thank you eveyone!!! I’m so excited about the new car. The more I drive it the more I like it. :)

    My little parrot approves too!

  • 6 years ago

    I used to drive a fifteen seater diesel van. I could fit an entire basketball team in there. And often did. It was a very well known big white van in our neighborhood lol. Nicknamed The Escape Van (long story). We liscenced six drivers over a one year time period and had six+ cars for eight drivers.

    I now drive a tiny little Fiat 500. Fits me perfectly and it's what I grew up with. My dad always had a Fiat back then.

    i must say that Amercans are very into their cars. I didn't grow up with that, my mother still doesn't drive and I only learned after living in California for several years. Not so my children. Permits at 15 1/2, and buying really nice cars when they had the money. They tease me about my little Fiat. I still love it.

  • 6 years ago

    I drive a 2017 RAV4, but I still have the truck my late husband and I used for my gardening on my previous 4.5 acres, and him for hauling his standup bass to gigs.

    I try to drive the truck at least once a week to keep it going. It's a 2006 4-door Toyota Tundra long bed crew cab. It's a big a** truck!

    I wanted to give it to my stepson, but he has no place to park it. My son drives it every January when he teaches at a university, while I drive the kids (so we don't move carseats) in his car.

    It's an expense (taxes, insurance) to have, but it was bought in cash in 2006, so it's real value to me is a burglar deterrent. I live in an old neighborhood where no one can garage their car, so no one complains about it in my driveway.

  • 6 years ago

    I have a fun car; 2-seater, 6 speed, bright yellow convertible. She is Baby Car and I love her and will never part with her. But I am in the process of choosing something more practical for when I need it. I’m not enjoying the process. I never thought I would own two cars but circumstances change.

  • 6 years ago

    Louise, when it was time to get our eldest a car he was utterly indifferent to any options- he is of the it has four wheels and is reliable bent of thought about them. Until getting a Fiat 500 crossed his mind. Then he waged an impassioned, and ultimately unsuccessful, campaign to get one of those adorable Topolinos. I could not allow him to have such a small first car. But I really, really wanted to give in!

  • 6 years ago

    Rita, they are a fun little car. My daughter is not a fan. She feels they are very unsafe especially with my granddaughter. However she did drve it when she and Parker came to visit for a few days last November. Renting a car wasn't worth the expense for her. My Fiat is the first car I bought all by myself as a single woman. For that I will always be happy :-)

  • 6 years ago

    We’ve usually kept one car each and a pickup truck for hauling mulch and dump/brush runs, but recently sold the truck when we downsized and started outsourcing some of our yard maintenance. I drive a Subaru Outback which is roomy enough for my hauling needs and takes a bike rack. DH drives a nice sedan.

    rockybird thanked Saypoint zone 6 CT
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Totally OT

    I came across these giant Alexander Girard figures on the IG of one of my favorite fashion houses and thought of you.

    Plus this one:


    rockybird thanked Rita / Bring Back Sophie 4 Real
  • 6 years ago

    Rita, those are great!!! The dolls and clothing are very cool. Thank you for the links. :)

  • 6 years ago

    Congrats on the very cool new car! Always fun to get a new one.

    How is Rocky doing now is he feeling better?

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Thanks raven! I absolutely love the car. It is such a unique color and it has so much room in the back.

    Rocky is doing much better. I am so relieved! She had black droppings for a day or two and seemed weak, but was eating fine. I dropped her off at the vet before work a few weeks ago thinking I was over reacting. The vet called later saying she was very ill and the prognosis was grim. Apparently, she had rapidly declined. She was severely anemic (probably from a GI bleed), bradycardic, and very weak. The vet didnt expect her to live through the weekend. A CT scan showed an enlarged kidney. Anyway, she improved enough so I could bring her home after a few days (and a $1600 vet bill). She was weak, and couldnt use one leg (possibly from kidney compressing nerves to her leg), but she has almost completely recovered! She still has a slow heart rate, so we dont know how she will do long term. But she has her mischievous playful personality back. I"m keeping her in a smaller low cage in case she gets weak again, and have her in front of a window with a great view for now. Thank you for asking!! :)

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Rocky at the vet:

    And back home:

  • 6 years ago

    Wishing Rocky a complete recovery and gentle hugs to you both.

    rockybird thanked cattyles
  • 6 years ago

    My new "near new" ride! Got a newer Impala a week ago! It's a 2015 Impala LTZ. Replaces my 2008 LTZ of similar color.

    Old & new, at the dealership...

    Really wish I had an SUV or Pickup! So....alas.....I have to haul grass in my new Baby! ;-)

    And here's the "New Girl" at home! Damn I love this car!!! It's got the 20" wheels I adore. All options except the "Radar cruise". New in 2015, it would've been close to $39,000.


  • 6 years ago

    That's a good looking car Faron.

  • 6 years ago

    Congrats on your red Impala!

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Faron, that’s a beautiful car! I really like the color!

  • 6 years ago

    Hope Rocky is feeling better!

    Our 2009 Ford Flex developed transmission problems so we went car shopping over the weekend. Dh did most of the looking since it is “his” vehicle and our 8 year old has very limited patience for car shopping.

    We ended up with a VW Atlas. It has a real third row—big enough for adults. It seats seven (second row is bench and seats three, third row seats two). For such a big vehicle it is fun to drive and has a great turn radius. The third and second rows fold down truly flat which is important to Dh so he can sleep in it for overnight fishing trips. Dh chose white (not what I would pick, but oh well).

    Here’s What they look like.

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Thanks Guys!

    I'm just "over the moon" about it! The official GM color name is "Crystal Red Tintcoat", option code GBE. The 20" wheels (RQ9) really sealed it for me. Even on the top-end LTZ trim, they're optional.

    Finally got a Black Leather interior too! There's just something about Burgundy & Black that flips a switch in my head! It's absolutely loaded...heated/ventilated seats, heated wheel, Bose-Centerpoint sound-system with ELEVEN speakers, all the safety monitors, sunroof, automatic dual a/c, & the radio screen that moves up to reveal that "hidden" compartment!!! Etc., etc.,.....

    I'm Clay-barring it this week. Paint gets sooooooo smooth after that! Then.....out comes the Griot's ROM Buffer. Owners-manual recommends "Top-Tier" class fuel, & that's ALL it's gonna get!!!!! NO-Ethanol Premium Top-Tier....your engines will thank you........... especially if they're DI.


  • 6 years ago

    Faron - congrats on your new wheels, that color is stunning. And thanks for the info on Top Tier - I didn't even know that was an option.

  • 6 years ago

    Disclaimer: I don't need another car. Current one is 5 years old with only 30K miles.

    This thread started me looking at a new car. Went to test drive the Volkswagen Tiguan yesterday. The salesman, not fully aware of the type of customer he was dealing with, showed me a GTI 6-speed. Test drove it and loved it. I haven't driven a stick in over 20 years. Well that led to heading to the BMW/Mini dealership.

    Fortunately, i've had a wake up call before spending money. My knees are throbbing! Maybe a 58 year old doesn't need a stick shift. I'm just saying.

  • 6 years ago

    Now you should try a Mercedes SLK, more fun than Mini. Let the $$ out, it’s time to be wild. :-)

  • 6 years ago


    LOL on your knees comment! In my case, you just need to get a new knee. For the "regular" knee, take Diclofenac (Rx obviously...)!! Sure helps this 56y/o Norwegian get around....;-)

    I'm not a fan of Manuals. Growing up farming, that's most of what I drove. I don't care if I see one again. I can drive anything, but Automatics are all this Guy will drive!


  • 6 years ago

    Love the new car - I have not seen that color!? Sorry to hear rocky was under the weather, she looks great now.

    rockybird thanked mtnrdredux_gw
  • 6 years ago

    I've seen a few 4Runners in a very deep violet-blue, but I've never seen that color on the road.

    rockybird thanked gsciencechick
  • 6 years ago

    Thanks mtn and gsciencechick! It’s a rare color that was only released for 2018. I love it, especially with the red shocks and red on hubcaps. Very happy with the car, except for the gas mileage!

  • 6 years ago

    Great looking car rockybird. Love the blue.

    We bought a new car last weekend (must be something in the water) We already have a CRV and needed to get rid of the 15 year old van and knew we wanted to get another SUV the same size as the CRV.

    This was DH's car so he did all the research. He hated the new CRV;s for looks and comfort so the choice wound up coming down to the Toyota Rav4 and the Subaru Forester. I test drove the RAV4 and hated it but I also hated it when we bought the CRV. I loved the Forester which actually thrilled my DH because it came in the colour that he wanted while the RAV4 did not.

    What colour did he want you asked - a mid=tone Blue

    rockybird thanked blfenton
  • 6 years ago

    Technically we have 7 for the two of us, but four are Jeeps. My spouse is an off road enthusiast so the garage reflects his hobby and now job as we own an online parts business. I drive an 11 year old BMW SUV, he has a Duramax truck and we have a '68 Camaro.

    I'm ready for a new car but cannot decide if I want a sedan or another SUV. I have to have all wheel drive so that lowers my options and I really want some kind of hybrid and the only enviro friendly car I really like is the Tesla 3 and lordy knows how long that wait will be. This thread is great for trying to get ideas though! I'm trying to convince him to sell the Camaro and replace it with a Porsche so we have something I can drive more easily.

    rockybird thanked lobby68
  • 6 years ago

    @blfenton- did you get the Subaru? I looked at the ascent, which looked like a great car but it was bigger than I expected. The forester is a great size.

    Crl-I looked at the atlas and it was a top contender. It’s a great car and good looking too!

    lobby-I hope you get the Porsche! My friends just leased the Tesla S and are in love with it. Someone at work has the Tesla 3 and it’s not as small as I thought. The wsj did an article on it last week and gave it glowing reviews...except it wasnt the 35k car we hear advertised, it was a 78k!

    Here’s another pic of the 4runner:

  • 6 years ago

    Catching up here. I’m so glad Rocky is better! What a scare you had.

    Faron, good to see your new car, and also nice to hear others are out trying and buying new ones. Must be in the air.

    I have had a touch of new car fever myself. Mine usually starts with noticing new models in the road, on-line searches and research, and trying to decide what I want next. I don’t ‘need’ a new car, but am trying to resolve whether I want to get a small SUV or crossover and trade in my sedan. Hard to figure out since DH has a 4WD king cab Tacoma truck and a couple of utility trailers anyway. So we don’t really need it for hauling anything except that I can cram a lot more plants and stuff in the back of an SUV than in a trunk. Plus I think they are cool. My car is so comfy and quiet on the road, and I want to make sure I get similar in whatever I get next.

    rockybird thanked OutsidePlaying
  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    The cavalry blue looks good in the wild! There is one locally here it seems in the dealer inventory.

    Lobby68, I test drove the plug-in hybrid Honda Clarity which was a lot of fun, but it is not AWD unfortunately. DH still needs to go test drive, and we'd need to see about adding a charging station at the house. Would also love a Tesla Model 3, but in all reality, I'll probably end up with another Outback again but it would have to be Wilderness Green with Java Brown interior. Of course, the Mustang will remain. Just glad I don't have orthopedic problems that limit driving a 5-speed.

    Here's a photo getting ready for the July 4 parade. I drove the mayor and his wife. I'm the reddish orange one with the white interior.

    rockybird thanked gsciencechick
  • 6 years ago

    I didn't see a 4Runner in Cavalry Blue, but I saw a Tacoma pickup truck yesterday in a parking lot when I was running some errands. So cool! I didn't realize they also used it for the trucks.

    rockybird thanked gsciencechick
  • 6 years ago

    @outsideplaying Thanks! Rocky seems all better! The vet is amazed! He thought she would not recover. Good luck with your car decision! Personally, I would go for a crossover or SUV rather than a sedan. The extra room always comes in handy, and I really like sitting higher up.

    @gsciencechick Thanks! I love the color! Yes the Tacoma TRD pro comes in the blue also. I dont know how common it is for the Tacoma, but for the 4runner, it is only made this year. Your red mustang is beautiful! How fun to drive the mayor and his wife!! I would like a model 3 also, but I just don’t drive enough to warrant an electric car. The new electric Porsche that is coming out is getting rave reviews. I’d hold out for that rather than a Tesla! :P