Going nuts over a rug - what works here?
6 years ago
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- 6 years ago
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Going nuts
Comments (16)First of all you are asking people hundreds and thousands of miles away from you who you can get to help you in your area. Everyone wants to help, If I could I would drop everything now and come to your rescue. I had the same problem with my daughters pond around Christmas. We took all the fish and frogs out of the pond, put them into a clean large trash can, completely emptied her pond washed it out, refilled it, cleaned the filters, put the fish back in and added some salt and her fish recovered. She only lost a few. Of course they aren't Koi. It really didn't take that long to fix it. Maybe you could ask around any place locally that has fish, maybe put some messages on bulliten boards in Petsmart, Wal Mart "Oops, forgot you don't have many Wal Marts there." Maybe Petco or Lawn and Garden Stores....See MoreI'm going nuts!
Comments (17)OWBIST I have followed all your instructions, and everyone elses suggestions. I have had a terrible day, did the HIKEY thing and the PPSFIX.Zip, that would not work with my Vista, it is only for XP. I double clicked each PPS in whatever file I was in, and everyone was set to open with powerpoint viewer. I've been in so many places on this computer today everything is just running together in my mind. I even had some kind of crash, long story but anyway the system restore file came up and said I needed to do a restore. Something I had tried yesterday that wouldn't go to previous dates. This one would not go back either to where I wanted it to go. I did get it back up and running but geeez. I am still getting "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the set assoc control panel. I went there they are all set to open with powerpoint viewer. I give up, I guess I'll have to have someone fix this, I am just not having any luck. I still think when I uninstalled M.Office and PP, that something I needed for this computer was lost. That is when everything went wrong. Believe me I really am not as stupid as I am feeling or sounding right now. I can usually figure things out, never had this many problems before. I liked my old windows 98 better than this VISTA...LOL Thanks All, Nancy...See MoreGoing NUTS trying to match lighting fixtures-will this look busy?
Comments (36)Beekeeperswife knows what I'm talking about -- it's a height/proportion thing. I like her fixture and think it looks great. I think the existing fixture over your breakfast table is too high and if you can't extend the one with the silver shade, it sounds like it would be similar or even worse. But before you give up on that one, if it is the right diameter and you really love it, see if it can be extended. It doesn't have a chain, so it looks like it would need to be a down rod, which is essentially a metal tube that would probably be treaded on one end to screw into the fixture or have some other attachment mechanism. The lighting shop should be able to tell you if it can be done. I agree with BKW about the first of the most recent 2 photos -- it looks like it was supposed to attach to the ceiling and someone put a chain on it as an afterthought. The second one is very different and dramatic, but I'm not sure it's right for what you are describing. I would take your time finding light fixtures. All you need right now, as pointed out above, is to know how many and where they go. It will be easier to see what you will really like as other tings go into the kitchen. They will be one of the last things to be installed, and they don't usually take long to get. Take your time....See MoreScrimp and Splurge - Where'd you hold back, where'd you go nuts?
Comments (60)This has been a fun process for me because I've decided to downsize considerably in order to justify having a few nicer things in the small space. I'll be going from an 1,800 sq ft home with separate garage/workshop to a 530 sq ft apartment above a 500 sq ft garage/workshop. This is an experiment for me both in simple living as well as in designing a living space that will cost as little as possible to heat or maintain. I'm also a bachelor, so it's a bit easier making a tiny space work. This structure is also being built on the edge of an heirloom fruit orchard of mine (16 acres), and much of my time is spent outdoors. The apartment is a comprised of a main living space divided into three areas: a well-equipped little kitchen, a dining area, and a home office. There's also a separate bedroom with a large closet as well as a full bath. The workshop/garage is large enough to hold a pick-up truck, tractor, a laundry area, a workbench, and three large chest freezers for storage. My challenge has been to take a serious look at what I truly need and I'm willing to give up in order to make this space work. I've learned a lot about myself in the process. In particular, a piano is more important to me than a sofa! When guests come to visit, our time indoors will have to be spent around the dining table. This is a concession I decided to make in order to have space for an upright piano. I also had to give up having a big, comfortable leather club chair and ottoman for reading and relaxing. Instead, I opted to have an over-sized bed (California King), really comfortable dining room chairs and an ergonomic chair for my desk (Aeron). Having sized down so drastically though, I will own my home outright (and all of its contents.) It's also been designed to be so well-insulated and airtight that I'll have a monthly utility bill of around $195/mo that will cover all space heating, air conditioning, hot water, electricity and propane, including a gas range and a top of the line steam shower. My Scrimps have turned out to be what I've simply given up: *No formal living room *No sofa *No space for a comfortable leather chair *No guest room My Splurges are: *Kohler Unwind Luxury Steam Shower (with six shower heads) *Sun Valley Bronze architectural hardware *Custom made Cedar garage and entry doors *Custom made Cherry kitchen cabinetry *Custom made Cherry rolltop office desk *Custom made Cherry Shaker Panel bed and nightstands with storage drawers beneath *6 Cherry dining chairs & table by Gary Weeks & Co. *BlueStar LP gas range *Yamaha Avant Grand N2 piano *Lie-Nielsen Roubo workbench (in garage) *BR-111 Tiete Rosewood floors and staircase *Sorpetaler Triple-Glazed European windows (from Germany) *Farrow & Ball paint *Caesarstone countertops *Rohl faucets and apron kitchen sink *Fisher & Paykel refrigerator/freezer *Bosch dishwasher *Motawi tile for bathroom and kitchen backsplash *Jaga......See MoreRelated Professionals
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