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Green or White kitchen, hard decision.

6 years ago
I’m having a hard time deciding. I know it is personal preference, and that white is a popular and safe choice, but I’m attracted to green kitchens as well. My surrounding rooms are yellow with white trim and wainscoting. I have touches of blue and red. I like color. The green color pallet on the left is clearly a better green once I see the deeper color. This shows it with the colors of the things in my kitchen, dish, glassware and pottery samples. I’m going to get some sample paints and try them on doors that will be coming down. Should I stay with one of the lightest shades? should I consider a darker shade on the lowers? should I do the island in white, or a dark tint of the green? This will be a total kitchen remodel. Nothing to show at this point. But I need to order cabinets first so need to decide on color.

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